Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Push Press/ Lunge & Curl/ Sit Ups

7 Rounds for Time
10 Push Press (95)
15 Lunge and Curl (25lb DB's)
20 Sit Ups (Blue 1/2 GHD @ Fitness Center)
TIME 16:00
*My time today is a rough estimate, I forgot to start the clock until after the first set of push presses. I finished the last rep around 15:45 so I am assuming my time was around 16:00. Craig and I did this wod after a heavy push jerk strength session. My muscles weren't as fatigued as I thought they would be, 95 pounds was too light. The partial GHD sit ups were the worst of the three movements. This wod was a quad burner through and through.

100 Lateral Jumps(PVC height)

30 SDHP (95)
40 Wall Balls
50 KB Swings (53)
TIME 3:57

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Box Jumps/ Deadlift

For Time
150 Box Jumps(27")
*5 Deadlifts (185) every minute*
TIME 8:46
*Box jumps killed me, I haven't jumped 27" in a while. The deadlifts were a nice break from the box jumps, I was looking forward to the top of every minute : )

Run/ Burpees/ Box Jumps/ Sq Cleans

Run 800 Meters
2 Rounds
12 Burpees
12 Box Jumps
12 Sq Cleans (155)
Run 800 M
*The 155 pound squat cleans felt much heavier than I expected. My legs were burning the entire time.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Day WOD

15,000 M Row
TIME 58:08
*If you would have asked me 5,000 M in if I would finish in 58:08 I would have said no. This workout hurt last year but it hurt even more this year. I felt more efficient with my rowing, I know I used more of my lower body to generate my power. Last year I was sore in my lats and arms after I finished, more so than this year. When I got done I couldn't bend over without feeling like I was going to tear my hamstrings. I foam rolled sporadically throughout the day and it really helped! I am writing this the day after and I am surprisingly not that sore. My average pace when it was all said and done was 156.9 or 157.6 or 7, I can't remember exactly. I'm VERY happy this one is over! A PR next year will be extremely difficult!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Run/ C+J, Wall Climb/ KBSw

5 Rounds
Run .10
10 Clean and Jerks (95)
*I just needed to sweat on this one. My schedule has been different due to Christmas break so when a client canceled today I took full advantage and squeezed in a quick one. I was dripping after 3 rounds, it felt good to get moving after the large lunch I ate just before.

10 Minute AMRAP
3 Wall Climbs
3 KB Swings (70)
3 Wall Climbs
6 KB Swings
3 Wall Climbs
9 KB Swings
and so on...
Score equals total amount of reps
TOTAL 105 reps
*The prescribed weight for this wod was 53 pounds, I only had access to a 70 or a 45 so I chose the 70. I tried to be as strict as possible on the wall climbs, that lasted for the first two then I dropped off the wall for the third climb. Good shoulder burn, especially after the shoulder strength session earlier this morning.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Burpees/ Wt Step Ups/ DB Sn

3 Rounds for Time
20 Burpees
20 Weighted Step Ups (95#'s/ 18" Box)
20 DB Snatches (55)
TIME 11:02

Rest 5 Minutes


Friday, December 16, 2011

3/5 "Hansen"

3/5 "Hansen"
30 KB Swings (70)
30 Burpees
30 Sit Ups
TIME 14:12
*I only had time to do 3 outof 5 rounds of Hansen today. It was a great workout non the less! The burpees right after heavy KB swings were a killer combination. My first round I finished in 4:02, second round was around 9:00 and the last round obviously finished at 14:12.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Squat Clean/ Burpee-Pull up

8 Minute AMRAP
Squat Clean (135)
Burpee-Pull Up
*I wanted to get a quick one in today. This 8 minute AMRAP had me dripping in 3 minutes. I couldn't believe how heavy the squat cleans felt, it was hard to tie more than 3 together. I used a barbell at my house so it took me a couple rounds to figure out my grip width.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


18 Minute Time Cap
20 Pull Ups (Varied Grips)
25 Box Jumps (24" GS)
30 Deadlifts (185)
35 Burpees
TOTAL 185 Reps
*The HSPU's and pull ups killed me. I mixed my grip up on the pull ups, the pull ups varied between fingertip grip, rope grip, and towel grip. All pull ups were done strictly. I was looking at the clock quite a bit during the pull ups and HSPU's. I can tell a big difference in my muscle endurance from taking some time off. I still feel good though and my energy level is high. Most importantly I am enjoying my training again.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

2x TABATA Rowing

2 Rounds
TOTAL Calories 8,8,8,9,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,7= 128
TOTAL Meters 1959
*It felt good to sweat and get my heart rate high. The burn was immense considering my lack of Met-cons these past 2 weeks and my heavy leg day earlier today. I actually cramped in my left hamstring during some auxillary lifts after rowing. And to think I only burned 128 calories : )

Cleared to WOD

Well after a 2 week sabbatical I have gone to the doctor and all tests say that I wont die tomorrow if I start high intensity workouts again. My biggest concern these past few weeks has been whether or not I would drop dead during a wod due to an enlarged heart or some other heart condition. After visiting the doctor today I am putting those worries behind me. When I had an EKG done an enlarged heart did not come up. You hear about athletes dropping out of know where even thought they were in top shape. I did not want to put myself in that position. Looking forward to hitting some met cons again.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Row/ Pll Up/ DU

1,000M Buy-In
25 Pull Ups
50 Double Unders
TIME 11:19
*I set a PR on my 1,000 M row time today, 3:15. It left me a little fatigued for my first round of pull ups and double unders but it was worth it. High rep pull ups killed me today. I hit a wall pretty hard after the first set. My third set was broken down into 7,5, 5, 5, 3. Double unders went well after the first round. Finding a rythym always seems to work better when I am a little fatigued.

Hang Cleans

Leg Raises

60 Yd Sprint (10 Yard Shuttle)
5 Handstand Push Ups
60 Lateral Bounds
5 KB Snatches (70)
TIME 14:04
*WOW! Wow is all I can say about this wod. Lateral bounds crushed me. Absolutely crushed me. This will be a movement I practice a lot more between now and sectionals. The burn I felt in my legs, butt, and low back was unbelievable! I did all of the HSPU's unbroken and I split the snatches up 3/2 every set inorder to switch arms to train both sides. Great wod!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Lower Body Day, Sled WOD

High volume strength work today. I think I did somewhere near 8 or so sets of front squat this morning. I am starting to work toward high reps strength sessions in ordedr to build my muscle endurance for sectionals. I could feel the muscle fatigue set in after 2 sets of 15 reps on FS. I super-setted everything today and it played out nicely.

Rest 5 Minutes

10 Minute AMRAP
20 Yard Sled Push (250lbs)
20 Sit Ups
TOTAL 7 ROUNDS 13 REPS (I think, I may have lost count)
*I may have lost count on this wod but regardless it tore my legs up. The burn in my quads was great, comparable to the squat clean burn. At first I thought the sled weight was too light but in later rounds it got heavy. I tried to work on my speed during the sit up reps. I usually do these at a snails pace but today felt faster than usual.

Monday, November 28, 2011


*Today I did a combination of movements untimed to get myself back to working condition. I had some work that needed to be done in my basement so my training lacked a little. The movements included GHD sit ups, back extensions, double unders, power cleans, bench press, dips, push ups, and incline smith machine press. My left shoulder if still pretty beat up from Thursday's workout.

Thanksgiving Burpees

For Time
1,000 Burpees
TIME 1.44:31
*I'm writing this a few days after doing this wod. I can honestly say I was no where near as sore as I thought I would be. The little soreness I did have was primarily located in my upper pec under my front deltoids. I was surprised to have all of the soreness focused there but looking back it does make sense. My lats also experienced some soreness for a day or two.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Squat Day, FORCE Treadmill

Back Squat
9x10 @225

Front Squat
6x6 @185 (Deep w/ pause at the bottom)

FORCE Sprints
8x40 yds @10 lbs.
8.71, 8.31, 8.36, 8.50, 8.21, 8.11, 8.24, 8.55
*Really happy with the FORCE work I got in today. I did this immediately following my squat work and my hip flexors/ posterior chain is throbbing.

Monday, November 21, 2011

FS/ HSPU, DU/ OHS/ DU/ Ring Push Ups

3 Front Squats (225)
3 Pirouette Bar Hand Stand Push Ups (Negative Only)
*Front squats got heavy 6 round in. It was a struggle to keep my abs tight and not lose my lower lumbar curve.

5 Rounds for Time
20 Double Unders
10 Overhead Squats (115)
20 Double Unders
10 Ring Push
TIME 8:41
*This was a nice lung burner mid-day. My double unders were flawless until later rounds but they felt good today. The overhead squats should have been heavier. They challenged me but not enough. The ring push ups burned exactly how I wanted them to. I will be trying to do a wod everyday that incorporates the muscle group I hit in my strength session. Should be interesting.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

HSPU/ Pull Ups, C+J, DU/ KBHP/ Row

10 Minute AMRAP
10 HSPU's (kipping)
10 Pull Ups
TOTAL 5 Rounds 2 Reps
*This was a perfect wod to warm up with. I can always work on  my HSPU's and the combination of HSPU's and Pull Ups was perfect to get me warm. I may start doing "warm-up" wods more often.

5 Minute AMRAP
Clean and Jerk 165
TOTAL 23 Reps
*I was a little disappointed in myself after this wod. I scored 24 reps last year when I did this for sectionals. I can't really explain why I scored one less, I would like to attribute it to the "warm up" wod and my shoulders being fatigued but that would be a lie. The limiting factor was all legs. The burn was too much to handle. I actually missed a rep on the squat clean portion of the lift and bailed on it.

12 Minute AMRAP
50 Double Unders
25 KBHP (70)
200 M Row
TOTAL 4 Rounds 36 Reps
*I went back to work after the first two wods this morning then did this wod a few hours later. My double unders are getting better. By better I mean my conditioning is coming back on the monostructural movements. If I had to pick a movement with the most "suck factor" I would have to say the KBHP's. The whole time I was lifting it I kept thinking "this is freaking heavy!" and laughing to myself.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

SPIN Class

SPIN Class
*Constantly varied, spin class was just that! I tried to push myself as if it was a wod and the large puddle of sweat on the floor when I was finished was a good indicator.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Row/ WB, SHPU/ DL/ Grass Hoppers

For Time
Row (Calories)
Wall Balls
TIME 15:32
*I had some serious stomach issues during the first 2 sets of wall balls and calories. Otherwise I can easily get sub 15:00.

5 Rounds for Total Reps
1 Minute Show Hand Push ups
1 Minute Deadlift (275)
1 Minute Grass Hoppers
1 Minute REST
ROUND 1: 30, 10, 50
ROUND 2: 26, 10, 46
ROUND 3: 26, 10, 44
ROUND 4: 24, 10, 25
ROUND 5: 24, 10, 40
*I had a bit of a mental break down on the 4th round. I started to write down my numbers from SHPU's and DL's during the minute I was suppose to be doing grass hoppers. Whoops... The 275lb deadlift felt lighter than I anticipated.

Leg Day (Tuesday)

Lower body strength day, not our best strength session but I think I will still be sore tomorrow.

Monday, November 14, 2011

DU/ Box Jumps/ Burpees

15 Minute AMRAP
15 Double Unders
15 Box Jumps (25")
15 Burpees
*Lucas read my mind when he wrote this wod up. I have been wanting to hit a wod just like this for a few days now. Needless to say I was drenched in sweat 2 minutes in. Everytime I picked up the rope to do double unders sweat was literally pouring off of my face. I loved every minute of it.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

2011 Sectional WOD 1

10 Minute AMRAP
30 Double Unders
15 Snatches (75)
*Last time I did this wod I scored 7 rounds, I thought going in I would at least score the same. I underestimated how much I haven't been training met cons compared to last year around sectional time.

Friday, November 11, 2011


3 Rounds for Time
100 Burpees
Rest 3 Minutes exactly
Round 1: 6:04
Round 2: 16:06 (7:02)
Round 3: 26:07 (7:01)
*A very interesting workout this morning. I did the first two sets of 100 burpees in my typical steady pace that slows as the reps build. The last set I forced myself to rest for 10 seconds or so in between sets of 7-8 burpees and I actually scored 1 second slower than my second round. I plan on experimenting a little more with this strategy in the future.

"Bobby" , TABATA Double Unders/ KBS

5 Rounds for Time
5 Wall Climbs
20 Burpees
TIME 11:18
*Going in to this wod I knew it was going to burn bad in my shoulders, with that said, you can never prepare yourself for that burn. The wall climbs were painful, in a good way, more so than the burpees. You can always do another burpee : )

Rest 5 Minutes

TABATA Intervals (:20 on :10 off)
Double Unders 35, 34, 24, 17, 19, 20, 16, 20
Kettle Bell Swings (70) 10, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8
*TABATA intervals are a great way to test your muscle endurance. My body is not in the same condition as it was last year at this time, by condition I am referring to muscle endurance. I have gotten stronger but right now to sustain high intensity for extended periods of time is very difficult. I have still been scoring faster times on some wods, I attribute the improvement to overall muscle strength. This will be an interesting wod to re-do when sectionals come closer and I condition for more muscle endurance.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Chest 2 Bar/ Run

For Time
Run 400 Meters between sets
TIME 9:01
*I woke up this morning feeling lethargic and still very sick. I went to the gym and did some leisurely rowing. Once I realized I was mine and the rower's time I left. After the 5:00pm class I felt up for something so I did the above wod. It felt good to be active and get after a wod. I finished in 9:01 and had a slight blood taste in my mouth. The cold air was a BIG factor in this workout. The chest 2 bar pull ups went as expected but I do feel like I am getting better at them.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Lower Body Strength Day

*Today was limited to a strength session that literally left me with my head on a table. I'm not sure if it was the workout or the workout combined with the cold and sinus/ Mucinex medicine I took right before. Either way, I was drenched in sweat and dizzy when we finished. I took the day off from Met-Cons to allow my body some recovery time from yesterday's workload and this morning's strength session. Tomorrow should be another heavy workload, looking forward to it!

Monday, November 7, 2011

HSPU/ C+J, PC/ T2B/ WB, DU/ Lat Up N Over

6 Minute AMRAP
2 Clean and Jerks (135)
*Lucas and I hit this wod first thing this morning, it was a nice warm up considering I was ice cold and not in the mood to do anything. I woke up feeling pretty sick today.

3 Rounds UNTIMED
500 M Row (at different damper settings)
20 GHD Sit Ups
*I did this wod because I was still NOT motivated to go to "that place." I messed with the damper setting on the rower each round, I still prefer my go-to setting of 10, full damper : ). It was built for me.

Strength Session
*Heavy chest day with Mike and Craig this morning. It's discouraging to do strength work when you feel under the weather but I tried my best.

20 Minute AMRAP
5 Power Cleans (145)
10 Toe 2 Bars
15 Wall Balls
*This is the "week 6" wod from last years sectional competition. Last year I scored 10 rounds 17 reps so I was pretty happy with my score, especially considering how crummy I felt and the sort of wods/ strength session I hit just before.

3 Rounds for Time
50 Double Unders
15 Lateral Up-N-Overs (25" box)
TIME 5:09
*Lucas, Leon and I decided to give this wod a go after the 7 o'clock class tonight. I was absolutely exhausted going in and it showed. I can easily do 50 double unders unbroken when I am fresh, tonight I think my first 50 was broken down into sets of 17, 10, 5, 6, and so on... It was an ugly set. So bad that Leon and Lucas were actually laughing at me mid wod. I think we were half laughing at how tired we were. Surprisingly, the sound of Leon's rythym on his double unders is what I think threw me off the most, I know I know pathetic. Still, a pretty good training day all things considered. Heavy leg day tomorrow so much needed rest tonight.

Sunday 2 Mile Run

2 Mile Run
*I woke up early and felt great so I decided to go for a two mile run around our sub division. It is a rarity for me to WANT to go for a run so I took full advantage. I enjoyed my Christmas music and the cool wind on my face!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

T2B/ Pull Ups/ Burpees, Box Jumps

15 Minute AMRAP
Buy-In 50 Toe 2 Bars
10 Under Hand Pull Ups
10 Burpees
*Under hand pull ups are not for me. They felt so foreign to me it was scary. I could not kip or get in to any type of a rythym. I ate a lot of crap carbs Thursday night and it directly affected my results this morning. It is amazing what different food does to your energy level and overall performance.

While wearing a 10 lb weight vest
0-4 Min 25 Box Jumps @ 21"
5-9 Min 20 Box Jumps @ 25"
10-14 Min 15 Box Jumps @ 28"
Record lowest score per each set of 5 minutes
0-4 SCORE 19
5-9 SCORE 16
10-14 SCORE 11
*This was a great wod for me to do. It allowed me to work on box jumps and not in the typical way. The weight vest added more of a change than I anticipated. Going in I thought I would be able to get all of the rep on the sets of 25 and 20. Honestly, I think I can get 20-22 reps on he 21" I was cold going into it (I didn't warm up enough) so my jumps were not multi responsive and that hurt my recovery for the following rounds.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

3 WOD Day

3 Minute AMRAP
Rest 1 Minute
6 Minute AMRAP
Rest 2 Minutes
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
25 Burpees
10 Front Squats (155)
15 Hand Stand Push Ups
20 hang Cleans (155)
TIME/ TOTAL 22:03 (10:03 for the Chipper) 3 Minute AMRAP (49 Reps) 6 Minute AMRAP (62 Reps)
*I enjoyed the format on this workout it was a great way to mix it up.

Overhead Squat (135)
200 M Run
TIME 6:33
*I was too cold going in to this workout. Overhead squats are not something I should just jump in to without a warm up. Lesson learned.

15 Minute AMRAP
5 Power Cleans (210)
15 Wall Balls
20 Show Hand Push Ups

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Double Unders/ KB Swings

5 Rounds for Time
50 Double Unders
30 KB Swings (53)
TIME 10:04
*I really wanted to get sub 10 minutes on this one. I can honestly say I gave it everything I had. When I increase my met-cons for sectionals I will definitely get this under 10 minutes. Double unders are probably the worst movement to lose conditioning on, that, running, rowing and any other monostructural movement!

Every minute on the minute perform 20 burpees.
*Workout stops once you fail to reach 20 burpees.
TOTAL 55 Burpees

Monday, October 31, 2011

GHD/ Pull Ups, Box Jump/ Snatch/ Run

10 Minute AMRAP
10 GHD Sit Ups
10 Pull Ups
*This was a leg burner for me, I was pushing as hard as I could given the lactic acid in my quads. Abs held up well, I would love to re-do this one on an actual GHD machine!

15 Box Jumps (25") Games Standard
15 Snatches (95)
400 M Run
TIME 12:04
Well Lucas and I wrote this one up and we both underestimated the suck factor. It is amazing how much the "Game Standard" on a box jump plays a role in time. Having to open your hips at every rep really messes with your rythym.

6 Minute Chipper

10 Push Press (135)
20 Sit Ups
30 burpees
40 SDHP(70)
50 Wall Balls
TIME 6:04
*This workout was very decieving! Lucas and I both had blood when it was all said and done. short and sweet!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Chipper Wod

For Time
40 Show Hand Push Ups
30 Pull Ups
Run 400 M
10 Wall Climbs
30 Box (28")
Run 400 M
10 Turkish Get Ups (53)
30 KB Swings (53)
TIME 14:29

10 Minute AMRAP
50 Double Unders
10 T2B
10 "Taters"
*Great day of training today! I was able to hit 2 Met-Cons and a solid strength session. Both of these WODS were horrible in there own special way. In the first workout the 28" box jumps were difficult because I couldn't keep a rythym. In the second workout the intense burning in my shoulders limited my endurance on the double unders. I highly underestimated the second wod!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Row 3k

Active recovery day for me, I rowed 3k then called it a day. I want to be well rested for what should be a great training day tomorrow. The 3k was untimed, but I would say it was performed at about 70-80%.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wall Climbs/ Up Downs/ Pass Throughs/ Grass Hoppers

Chest day with Mike.

20 Minute AMRAP
3 Wall Climbs
10 Up Downs
5 Pass Throughs
10 Grass Hoppers
*This was a wod way outside the norm. It was nice to change it up with some foreign moves. Some of the mainsite scores were 7-10 rounds so I have mixed feelings about my score. Either way this was a good workout.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Shoulder strength day then I took it easy due to some concerning back pain that started during a TABATA interval of Hang Cleans on Sunday night.

Back Strength session.

10 Minute AMRAP
MAX Pull Ups
TOTAL Pull Ups 106
*I wrote this up last night for Bobby and I thought I would give it a go. This was a tough wod for muscle endurance. I felt good for the most part. I was glad to throw HSPUs in a wod, I haven't done them in a long time.

10 Minute AMRAP
TEAM WOD w Lucas
200 M Repeats
TOTAL 200 M ran: 15
*Lucas and I rotated every other 200 M sprint for max reps in 10 minutes. We finished with 15 between the two of us. Maintaining a speed for me is so difficult. I am so slow it's almost embarrassing. This was a wod I needed to do.

I'm hoping by resting my back it will heal up faster. We will see tomorrow.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Front Squat(Strength), TABATA Sunday(Push Ups, Squats, L-Sits)

Front Squat
5x245* 5 Rep Max

TABATA Intervals
20 Seconds on 10 Seconds Rest 8 Rounds each
Push Ups 25, 18, 13, 9, 8, 7, 7, 7 TOTAL (94)
Rest 1 Minute
Squats 20, 18, 17, 15, 13, 14, 13, 13 TOTAL (123)
Rest 1 Minute
L-Sits Maintain above 90 degree angle at the hips either in full L-Sit or bent knee position.
*Gage and I did a nice strength session this morning, focusing primarily on our front squat 5 rep max. I worked up to 245 today but I see myself getting 250 maybe even 255 in the near future. The TABATA interval workout was a killer and I really did enjoy it. It's amazing what 20 seconds of work can do to your body. The L-Sits were a nice addative at the end, even though it is hard to gauge this movement it is great for "core" strength.


For Time
30 Ground to Overhead
TIME 2:29

Thursday, October 20, 2011

3k Row, OHS/ Double Unders

Wod 1
For Time
3k Row
TIME 10:32
*I did this wod a year ago and finished in 10:18 I believe, I attribute the time difference to lowering my volume of Met-Cons. Either that or I am getting old : )

3 Rounds for Time
10 Overhead Squats (135)
50 Double Unders
TIME 4:23
*I watched a video of the fittest man alive (Rich Froning) doing this wod and he made it look unbelievably easy. Needless to say it wasn't. He finished in 2:40, I finished slightly behind : ) I was a little surprised by the instability in my OHS. More room to grow definitely.

Box Jumps/ Snatch/ Row, 150 Burpees

For Time
50 Box Jumps (24")
50 Hang Snatches(45)
50 Calories
50 Hang Snatches
50 Box Jumps
TIME 9:22
*Lucas wrote this one up, the box jumps went much smoother the second round. I always seem to do better at this movement when I am warm. I was surprised how fast the lactic acid built up in my shoulders during the hang snatches. The bar was so light i could move fast but had to deal with the deep burn it caused.

For Time
150 Burpees
TIME 9:55
*This was my worst 150 burpee showing in a LONG time. I felt like crap going in. To be honest, I was tired, sore and depressed. I did NOT want to do this wod. It is very frustrating to purposefully back off the Met-Cons to focus more on strength. Hopefully this will all pay off come sectionals.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Push Press, Burpee/ C2B, Rope Climb

15 Minute Drill
Push Press @190
3 Reps every minute on the minute
0 Misses

3 Rounds for Time
20 Burpees
20 C2B Pull Ups
TIME 9:46
*C2B's were the limiting factor here. I am so use to butterflying with all of my pull ups so doing C2B Pull ups throws my rhythm completely off.

3 Rounds for Time
5 Rope Climbs (20")
190 M Run
TIME 17:16
*The rope climbs killed me today. I couldn't figure out my footing for some reason. The rope kept getting tangled in my leg. More efficient rope climbing and I can easily knock 2 minutes off of this wod. The side stitch I got after round 1 was not enjoyable either. I need an excuse board...

**Heavy workload today. I enjoyed each wod in a special way : ). Day one of the Paleo Challenge and I am already feeling leaner then days prior. I am glad my body adapts quickly to Paleo style eating.

Hang Clean/ Lateral Jumps

7 Minute AMRAP
Hang Clean (135)
20 Lateral Jumps (Over barbell)
Rep scheme for lateral jumps is 3,6,9,12, etc...
*Score is total hang cleans
*I borrowed this workout scheme from Lucas. He did a similar wod with double unders last week. I enjoy mixing up the scheme of things as often as possible, other wise I might as well be doing bicep curls : )

Friday, October 14, 2011


Again Faster Challenge WOD 2
8 Minute AMRAP
3 Snatch Complexs (Power/ Hang/ Hang Squat)
3 Wall Climbs (Sternum Touches)
TOTAL 5 Rounds
*After a couple days of rest I did the Again Faster Challenge WOD # 2. It was tought but not one I was strong enough to push until I collapsed, the snatch complex just got heavy.

Monday, October 10, 2011

"Angie"/ Chest Day

For Time
100 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
100 Sit Ups
100 Squats
TIME 18:27
*I did this wod 1 year ago and finished in 17:30 but the standard on my sit ups was no where near as strict as I was today (chest touches your knees everytime), I also only did 95 Pull ups because my pull up bar broke off my wall on the 95th rep. Those two differences as well as my standard on push ups are what I am adding the time difference up to be. It just goes to show, cheating reps (even though I didn't "cheat" them, my bar broke) or not holding yourself to a strict standard doesn't help you in the long run.

Bench Press
4x6-8 @ 255
I got 6 reps on all sets except the last. We also did a variety of chest exercises after bench. My chest was fried from the 100 push ups in "Angie". I was pretty happy to perform as I did all things considered.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

100 Burpees

For Time
100 Burpees
TIME 5:38
*On the weekends I try to keep my workout time to a minimum so I can hang out with Brandy and Cali as much as possible. So I squeezed this lung burner in last night. It is amazing how body weight movements can make you feel in less than 6 minutes. I was happy when this was over.... Looking forward to a great week of training! Back at it with my diet on Monday.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Catch Up

After getting my butt handed to me in "Stacey" I have been a little discouraged this week. I still worked out but was super busy at work and unmotivated on the computer.

Wednesday I did a TEAM WOD with Craig. It was a 5 Minute AMRAP of Power Cleans at 135 pounds, each member must do 5 reps before switching. We finished with a total of 117.

Thursday I did 5 Rounds for Time of 30 Double Unders, 30 Box Jumps and a 400 M run. I finished in 16:54.

Friday I did 5 Rounds for Time of 5 Squat Cleans and 10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups. I finished in 7:29 I believe.

Back at it again tomorrow (Sunday). 

Sunday, October 2, 2011


150 Air Squats
2,000 M Row
150 Air Squats
TIME 16:10
*I tried the Again Faster competition team workout today. It is an understatement to say it crushed my lower body. My first 75 air squats took me 1:34 my second 75 squats for the first 150 took me 2:30 (roughly). I rowed the 2,000 M in 7:11 with an average pace of 1:47. The second set of 150 squats took me forever. This wod was won or in my case lost in the second set of 150 air squats.

Snatch, Box Jumps/ Double Unders/ High Pulls

15 Minute Drill (Snatch)
3 @ 150 every minute
Max reps last set, 9 Reps
I had a great snatch workout this morning! I hit my old PR of 185 then missed at 190 twice. I did however get 190 above my head I just missed balancing the weight and standing up.

Rest 5 Minutes
5x 8-10 Toe 2 Bars

Max Reps 30 Seconds Rest between rounds
Box Jumps 35, 16, 23
Double Unders 46, 25, 21
KB High Pulls (70) 36, 35, 20
*I was pretty disappointed in this wod when I finished. I feel like I only was able to push to my threshold on the KBHP's. I did better on box jumps than I thought but I missed way too early on double unders each round. I have to admit my head was NOT in this wod from the start.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Run/ GHD Sit Ups

 Minute AMRAP
*Score = total number of GHD Sit Ups
Run 200 M
15 GHD Sit Ups
*Light work load today. My body is sore from the great leg day yesterday. It felt good to get on the GHD machine. It is a move I don't do enough and I know I will see a lot of benefits from using it regularly. I used most of the day as a recovery period in preperation of what is sure to be a huge shoulder day tomorrow.

Partial "Diane"
21 Deadlifts (225)
21 Hand Stand Push Ups
15 Deadlifts
10 HSPU's
TIME 7:08
*I attempted this wod late at night, bad idea. My shoulders fatigued VERY quickly. I might still be attempting HSPU's had I gone on to complete the entire wod.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Deadlift, Snatch/ T2B/ Box Jumps

15 Minute Drill Front Squat
225 3 reps every minute
0 Misses

100 Pull Ups for Time
*3 BW Power Cleans every minute
TOTAL 55 Pull Ups. Failed on minute 4. Pull Ups went as follows: 26,14,5,5,5, failed to PC my BW

3 Rounds for Time
7 Squat Snatches (115)
14 Toes 2 Bars
21 Box Jumps (24")
TIME 6:55
*It's been a while since I have worked on squat snatches. The standard on this wod was the bar had to be caught at the bottom of a squat. Surprisingly the snatches went well. I did not miss on a single rep. Toes 2 Bars are a weakness still but are getting better.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Power Clean, Collet Park WOD

Lucas and I worked on power cleans before hitting our met-con at the park.

Rope Climb (20ft)
100 yd Sprint
Rope Climb
20 Commando Pull Ups
Rope CLimb
50 Box Jumps
Rope Climb
Rope Climb 
*Typically we do not do wods untimed but this was a team wod and we worked in rotation. When one person was on a movement for example rope climbs or pull ups, the others were either holding a plank, SHPU's, or Air Squatting. This was a great workout and it accomplished exactly what we needed. The 20 ft rope climbs were a nice change from our 12ft climbs at the box.

Push Press (15 Minutes), Death by Burpees

3 Push Press every minute on the minute (15 Minutes)
0 Misses @195lbs.
*Lucas, Craig and I did the push press wod together. I did all 15 minutes without missing a rep. The weight felt heavy but I think 200+ would be better for this scheme. I look forward to getting numbers for these 15 minute wods we do.

Death by Burpees
1 Burpee @ 1 minute, 2 at 2, 3 at 3 and so on until you fail to complete the number of reps for that minute.
TOTAL 17 Rounds +16 Reps
*I focused mostly on moving my body faster on the burpees. I have realized lately that if I want to make it to regionals I need to move faster at some movements. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Rest Day

Today was a much needed rest day. Hopefully I will get a big training day tomorrow. Shooting for 2-3 wods.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Box Jump/ Burpee, Strict Press(15 Minute), Row/ KB Swing

10 Minute Amrap
10 Box Jumps (28")
10 Burpees
TOTAL 9 Rounds 11 Reps
*CFTH did this wod last night and it looked nasty with a big focus on my weaknesses so I had to try it. I did better than I thought I would with such a high box jump. I look forward to training with a higher box from now on. Come competition time a standard 24" box will be easier compared..

15 Minute Running Clock
3 Strict Presses every minute on the minute (135)
Misses: 0
*I completed all 15 repetitions without missing a rep. The weight felt good throughout. This was my first time using this format for a strict press so I just guessed and threw 135 on the bar. Next time I will progress to 140 and so on.

2 Rounds for Time
750 M Row
50 KB Swings (70)
TIME 10:17
*This wod was EXACTLY what I thought it would be. The row went as planned and the 70 lb KB was a great addition to the wod. I'm glad I bumped the weight!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Heavy Leg Day, HSPU/ C2B/ Squat

Heavy leg day with Craig. We absolutely crushed our lower body this morning. My strength sessions have been getting much more intense and I am seeing the results. We worked on Front Squat, Barbell Lunges, Stiff Leg Deads, Posterior Chain Hip Lifts, and Hamstring Curls.

8 Minute AMRAP
6 Chest 2 Bar Pull Ups
18 Air Squats
TOTAL 9 Rounds + 16 Reps (261 Reps)
*Today's goal was to work on my body weight movements. This wod did just that! I was able to work on the speed of my air and I even tied a couple C2B pull ups together. I think I scored 9+ rounds on this one but I may have only scored 8+. Either way it was a great wod. I had intended to do another wod tonight but ran out of time with the large number of attendees at CFTH. It was a great atmosphere!

Monday, September 19, 2011

C+J/ C2B, Rope Climb/ Thruster/ KBS

5 Rounds for Time
4 Clean and Jerk (135)
6 Chest 2 Bar Pull Ups
TIME 4:33
*I hit this wod early in the morning. It was tough to ramp up my intensity for this type of wod. The clean anad jerks went as expected. Chest to bar pull ups are very difficult for me, it is hard to get into a rhythm.

4 Rounds for Time
2 Rope Climbs (Legless)
4 Rope Climbs
6 Thrusters (135)
8 Kettle Bell Swings (70)
TIME 13:55
*Lucas and I wrote this beast up, to be honest I did MUCH better on the legless rope climbs than I thought I would. We also threw a curve ball in that you couldn't drop from the rope you had to show control until you reach an eight foot or so tape mark. This increased the difficulty but made the movement much more legitimate. I did the rope climbs with no gloves and I enjoyed the added grip strength. From now on i am going to take a whole new approach to rope climbing.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Shoulder Day, Double Under/ Run

5 Rounds for Time
35 Double Unders
200 M Run
TIME 6:50
*After a heavy shoulder push press session I attempted this wod. I was very disappointed in my time. I need to get better at running. After this wod I trained some clients then had a HUGE strength session with Mike, Craig, and Lucas. We went heavy on nearly every lift and threw some new movements in that really fried my shoulders. Between that strength session and the wod from yesterday my soreness level is a 10! Possibly resting tomorrow in order to hit it hard Sunday.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Burpee Box Jumps, WB/Dips/ SHPU

*Rest 2 Minutes between rounds
30 Burpee Box Jumps (24")
TIME: R1 2:10 R2: 211 R3 2:00 TOTAL 10:21
*Lesson learned, I will never pace again. I held back way too much this morning. I regret going so sow on teh first and second round. I was fully recovered after the 2 minute breaks every time.

3 Rounds for points
2 Minutes Wall balls (70,39,42)
1 Minute Dips (48, __,__)
2 Minute SHPU (__,__,__)
*I can't remember the breakdown of the rest of the movements but I do remember how much muscle fatigue I felt after I was done. It was horrible. My shoulders were on fire. I love and hate this feeling. I love it because I know I am breaking down muscle fibers and getting better. I hate it because it hurts like crazy!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Strength Day

I attempted to do a strength session this morning with Squat Snatch. My body is pretty tired from yesterday's workload. Looking at my schedule I realized I will be able to have a big training day tomorrow so I decided to hit a heavy back strength session then call it a day.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Power Cleans, PC/ Ring Push Ups, Burpee Box Jumps

Every Minute on the Minute for 15 Minutes
1 Power Clean (220)
0 Misses
*Lucas and I tried this format last week with Front squats. Today we went with PC's. The weight I chose was a little light, I think I can get a much better workout with 225,230, or 235. The heavier weight would force me to focus on my form and technique much more.

9 Minute AMRAP
Power Clean (190)
Ring Push Ups
TOTAL 90 Reps
This wod got real hard real quick. The weight was just enough that I dropped it each rep. Hopefully next time I hold on to it more. My body was pretty tired at this point due to the previous workout, not that I'm listing excuses (we have a white board for that) but it is a ligetimate reason why I feel I can do this wod and score higher.

For Time
30 Burpee Box Jumps (24")
TIME 1:57
*My legs were completely fried at this point in the day. As usual I ws doing the math in my head with each burpee. had I kept the pace I had for the first 10 burpees I would have finished in 1:15. That was NOT going to happen. I felt like someone was pouring hot lava into my muscles as I was moving! My throat was raw and my legs were on fire by the end. I loved it.

A great day of training. Days like this make me feel good about my goal to qualify for regionals next year.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Burpee/ Run/ Burpee, 500 M ROW

For time
50 Burpees
800 M Run
50 Burpees
TIME 9:47
*Lucas wrote this one up, we are both pretty banged up from this past weekend of training so we wrote up something that wouldn't produce much damage. It still sucked BUT it was manageable. I ran slower than I would have liked but that's the story when your not a very good runner. The burpees went as well as can be expected. Hopefully in the future I will get after this wod a little faster.

For time
500 M Row
TIME 1:30
*I rested about 5 minutes after the above wod and decided to crush or be crushed by a 500 M Row. Turns out I didn't have enough oxygen in my muscles to produce a PR or even close to a PR at that and I got crushed. My previous best is 1:27. I do feel like I can PR on a 500 M row, just not immediately following a very cardiovascularly taxing wod.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

CrossFit Games Team wod, "Weaver"

For time, with a running clock, alternate teammates for each wod.
Elizabeth - 6:45 (Tony)
Fran - 4:38 (Lucas)
Isabel - 4:46 (Tony)
Grace - 5:54 (Lucas)
Diane - 13:15 (Tony)
Karen - 8:09 (Lucas)
TIME 43:27  (Combined total)
*This is the wod from the 2011 CrossFit Games Team Competition. Each team was comprised of 6 individuals. In this particular wod each individual was given one "girl" wod to complete. The wods had to be completed in the above order with a running clock. Lucas and I tackled this one early this afternoon. I was extremely disappointed in how long "Diane" took me to complete. I underestimated the fatigue in my shoulders. Our overall time was 43:27 but our individual wod times are above. Obviously these scores are much slower than our PR's would be if we were fresh for each wod. Even the first wod was strategically slowed down, I know that just doesn't make sense when referring to anything CrossFit.

10 L Pull Ups
15 Push Ups
15 C2B Pull Ups
15 Push Ups
20 Pull Ups
15 Push Ups
TIME 21:08
*This wod was almost funny. My body is just tired and in need of rest and recovery. My hands hurt almost instantly from all of the pull ups I have done lately. I look forward to doing this wod again and much faster.

Box Jump/ Chest 2 Bar

Front squat every minute on the minute (255)
No misses
*I had a lot of fun with this strength focused wod. I plan on using this format and others like it often in the future. 

For Time
Box Jumps (26")
Chest 2 Bar Pull Ups
TIME 7:48
*I had Lucas write this wod up for me in order to work on my weaknesses. It did just that. The box jumps are higher than usual which will help me in the long run when I compete and 24" is the standard. Chest 2 Bar pull ups are something i don't do enough, it's hard for me to get into a rhythm with them.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

"Air Force WOD", ISU Track

"Air Force WOD"
For Time
20 Thrusters
20 Push Press
20 Overhead Squats
20 Front Squats
*4 burpees every minute on the minute, start with 4 burpees*
TIME 5:42   OLD PR= 6:59
**Felt GREAT this morning! The last time I did this wod was May 2011 and I finished in 6:59 so finishing in 5:42 made me feel REALLY good this morning. Evidence based fitness, its what keeps me coming back : ).

For Time
15 Muscle Ups
Run 800 M
15 Muscle Ups
TIME 9:55
*Lucas and I headed over to ISU's trackto do some wods today, this was the first one we thouht of. They have a great pull up system that we hung rings from and were able to knock out some muscle ups on.  I can get faster at this wod by staying on the rings for consecutive muscle ups. I know this will take practice but today I had a hard time gripping the rings. The track there is much softer than the concrete I'm use to running on, my feet were happy. I still hate running...

3 Rounds for Time
10 Burpees - Jump to an 8 foot target
15 Toe 2 Bars
20 Ring Push ups
TIME 6:47
*After standing around for abotu 5 minutes we decided to do another wod. The killer here was muscle fatigue. I was trying to push Lucas during his wod (He went first) so I yelled for him to move faster on the burpees, when it came time for me to start my second round I almost looked at him and laughed because I realized how dumb I must have soudned telling him to push faster. The fatigue in my chest has been unmatched for a long time. It felt good to be THAT exhausted. I love it : )

Great day of traing!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Power Cleans/ Bar Facing Burpees, KB Chipper WOD

Power Clean (135)
Bar Facing Burpees
TIME 5:36
*Power Cleans were fairly easy, at least easier than the bar facing burpees. This movement is horrible, it is near impossible for me to get into a rhythm. I watched a video on CF mainsite and someone did this wod in 4:45, that was my goal, maybe next time. I did beat one o the mainsite "stud" times so I guess that is good. Next time my goal is to finish sub 5:00.

20 KB Snatches
30 KB Front Squats
50 KB Push Press
60 KB Swings
TIME 6:38
*CF Terre Haute did this wod tonight so I had to give it a try. I underestimated the shoulder fatigue during the KB Swings. I can usually knock out 30 or so unbroken but due to the extreme shoulder fatigue I  broke it into 25, 15, 10, 5, 5. My shoulders were burning.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day WOD, Burpee/ KB Clean

5 Rounds for Time
800 M Run
30 KB Swings (55)
30 KB High Pulls (55)
TIME 31:22
*I did this wod back in November when it was freezing cold and I finished in 33:40 something.  I was hoping to finish under 30:00 but after round 3 I knew that would be near impossible at my pace. The run felt better than previously but the KB swings and high pulls actually felt harder than in November.

10 Minute AMRAP
10 Hurdle Facing Burpees (3 Ft Hurdle)
15 KB Power Cleans (55)
TOTAL 7 Rounds 3 Reps
*After Brandy finished her wod I decided to do another quick one. There was a really long hurdle that was solid all the way down so I decided to do hurdle facing burpees. basically these are the same as bar facing burpees except you have to jump over a 3 ft hurdle instead of a bar. It was nice to be able to use my hands and push off the hurdle to help get myself over. The KB Power Cleans were pretty easy, next time I do this wod I think I will use a 70 lb bell instead.  This wod was a nice outdoor "Blair" type wod. I was happy to do it and glad it was over!

Sunday, September 4, 2011


As a team complete As Many Rounds As Possible of:
8 Thrusters (155)
7 Rope Assents (12 ft)
11 Box Jumps (30")
*One partner works at a time while the other runs 400 M with a 45 lb sandbag. *
6 ROUNDS 2 Reps
*Lucas and I completed the brand-new Hero wod today. This may be one of the worst wods I have ever done. Everything in it was horrible. The weight was heavy, the rope assents were difficult, the box jumps were annoying and the run was terrible. Now that I have that out of the way, I really enjoyed this wod when it was all said and done. The mixture of movements and not knowing what you would start on was exciting and a nice change. These Hero wods are always good to help me get to that next level mentally. Inevitably I always think about the Hero or Heros that the wod was written for and it motivates me to work harder. WODs like these make me happy to be alive.

1,000 M Row, 800 M Run

For Time
1,000 M Row
TIME 3:12
*This is the fastest I have ever rowed 1,00 M so I was pretty satisfied with my time. One day I will be under 3:00. I kept a pace of 1:25 for the first 400 M or so then slowed down to 1:30, 1:35, and eventually 1:40-1:45. This was a great wod at maximum effort. Time spent training this energy system is the worst but it produces the greatest changes!

For Time
800 M Run
TIME 3:05
*I was a little disappointed in my time today. If I ran this alone I would have never finished this fast and i probably would have been less disappointed. Luckily for me I ran my 800 M with the noon class. Gage and Leon pushed me to a limit close to competition level. They are both very fast. To duplicate this training level on a regular basis would be amazing, hopefully we can create some scenarios similar in the future.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

OHS, WB/ Rope Climb/ Burpee

I PR'd on Overhead squats tonight, it felt good to get the weight above my head.

3 Rounds for Time
15 Wall Balls
5 Rope Assents
15 Burpees
TIME 10:43
*The rope climbs were by far the hardest part of this wod. They were so straining on my body that i felt like I had a weight vest on for the rest of the workout. Rope climbs are definitely a weakness of mine,  I plan on throwing in some more skillful wods in the future.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Power Clean

New PR on Power Clean today.

Tabata Intervals with Push Press and Jumping Lunges
TOTAL Push Press 155 Jumping Lunges 135
*I think this is the total I scored, I can't remember exactly. I do however remember the burning sensation in my legs from the jumping lunges. My glutes, quads, and hamstrings are extremely sore from Front squatting and lunging yesterday so this wod was extra spicy.

Fran PR

Thrusters (95)
Pull Ups
TIME 3:09
*If you would have asked me this morning if I was going to PR on Fran tonight I would have laughed. My energy level has been low lately due to my screwed up sleep pattern so doing Fran was NOT on my to-do list. Once I got to the box plans changed and I knocked out a 3:09 PR! It felt horribly great, I was spitting up for at least 10 minutes. PR'ing on Fran at this point is bitter sweet because I know what it will take to get ANY faster. I love to hate Fran...

Monday, August 29, 2011

Power Clean/ Burpees, Run

5 Rounds for Time
3 Power Cleans (205)
20 burpees
TIME 9:06
*I had no energy this morning. I knew this was going to end badly when I did my warm up set of power cleans at 135. I even missed a rep on PC's during the 2nd round. Needless to say, my head wasn't in this one but neither was my body. I can do this wod in under 8:30 and I will on my next attempt, which will be soon.

Run 4 Miles
*Of course I did time myself on this BUT I was working on a pace for the half marathon coming up. I kept a 9:15 pace, finishing 4 miles in 37:00. I didn't get into a rythm until mile 2. This half marathon is going to suck, I am no where near as motivated to run it this year as I was last.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fight Gone Bad

3 Rounds for points
1 Minute Wall Balls(20)
1 Minute SDHP(75)
1 Minute Box Jumps(20")
1 Minute Push Press(75)
1 Minute Row (Calories)
1 Minute Rest
*The infamous Fight Gone Bad! A new PR on this wod today. I felt so good during the High Pulls that I was actually pushing the weight down at an attempt to move the bar faster and maximize my points, I scored 45 HP's on the first round so mission accomplished. After round 1 I debated my sanity while sitting on the rower for my 1 minute rest. Knowing I had to finish 2 more rounds I sucked it up and took a small drink of water before beginning again. Round 2 and 3 proved to be a significant drop from round 1 but I was still happy with my performance. Here is the break down of the rounds from September 2010: Wall Ball: 35, 33, 30 SDHP: 36, 30, 27 Box Jump: 31, 20, 19 Push Press: 42, 30, 28 Row: 18,18,14
Here is the break down of the rounds from today: Wall Balls: 35, 31, 29 SDHP: 45, 28, 25 Box Jumps: 35, 27, 28 Push Press: 43, 31, 24 Row: 18,16,18

50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders
10 Pull Ups between each round
TIME 4:00
*If you would have asked me after FGB if I would do another wod today I would have told you you were nuts! BUT, after about 2 hours rest I felt GREAT so I HAD to do something : ) My shoe came untied otherwise I would have gone sub 4 minutes. This was just a fun short wod to work on double unders a little bit. Unlike riding a bike, if you don't do DU's you do in fact lose it.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Run/ Row

 WOD 1
Run 1 Mile
Row 2,000 M
Run 1 Mile
TIME 22:59
*I had extra motivation going into this wod. Aaron, a new member of our gym who is an exceptional runner was going to push the pace of the wod so I knew I would have to work hard to keep up and even beat his posted time. He got on the rower before me but by the time my 2,000 M's were up I was about 400 M ahead of him which gave me a nice lead going into mile 2. By the time he got off the rower I had a 400 M run length lead and I wanted to keep it. I had to push because he is a much better runner than I am. I managed to minimize the distance he caught up and beat his time by :40. It was nice competing against a runner that is so strong. Running is one of my many weaknesses and if I can surround myself with people that are better than me than I am sure to improve.

FIGHT GONE BAD tomorrow! When I first did FGB Lucas told me "studs" score above 420, therefore, my goal is 420 or better. Previous PR is 407. We will see...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Run, Row/ Wall Balls

Run 3 Miles
TIME 27:18
*My goal today was to work on my pace. I want to maintain as close to a 9 minute pace as possible for the upcoming half marathon and today was a baby step in that direction. I hate running so today sucked but at least it's done. I'm not looking forward to adding miles between now and the next two weeks but what must be done must be done.

Row 500 M
30 Wall Balls
TIME 9:18
*I felt good throughout this wod. My goal was to go unbroken on all of the wall balls. I sure didn't want to but I managed to get it done. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


WOD 1 (8/23/11)
5 Rounds for Time
40 Double Unders
30 Box Jumps
20 KB Swings (53)
TIME 12:39
*Considering my activity level the past two days I think I did alright today. My energy level is not what is usually is and my training is feeling it. I look forward to getting my appetite back and having energy. 8 pounds lost during these past few days of sickness. Blah!

15 Deadlifts (185)
15 Toe 2 Bars
TIME 7:18
*Feeling much better today. I can feel it coming back slowly, I repeat, SLOWLY. BUT I am greatful for what I have now and I am sure the rest is soon to follow. On the upside, I beat the "Stud" times posted on mainsite today. That makes me very happy. Looking forward to some great days of training.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


I woke up at 2:00am with a bad case of the chills. I woke up again at 3:00am dripping in sweat. I took some Tylenol, sucked it up and went to work. The team wod at CF was a tought one. I underestimated how crappy I felt going in. It was all I could do to finish and I barely did that. If it wasn't for everyone there I would not have finished the workout at all. My body aches and I still feel terrible so I am taking the next two days off, hopefully. Sometimes you have to listen to what your body is trying to tell you... 

Friday, August 19, 2011


20 Minute AMRAP
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats
TOTAL 26 Rounds + 5 Reps
*When I did this wod in November I scored 24 rounds +5 reps, needless to say I am very happy with my performance today. If I remember correctly my chest was the limiting factor last time. I felt little to no fatigue in my chest this time around. My goal is eventually to score 30 rounds, maybe next time!

Snatch Work, Row/ Thruster

I worked on my power snatch today, it is a big part of my new strength training program. The professional O lifters are right on when they say the heavier the weight the lower you need to catch it, I felt like my body was naturally landing where it should. Pr'd by 10 pounds today! 185 new Squat Snatch!

For time
1.5 Mile Run

For time
Row 250 Meters
10 Thrusters (115)
Row 500
10 Thrusters (115)
Row 750
10 Thrusters (115)
TIME 7:43
*Major butt burner today! ROwing is hard enough but you throw thrusters in it and youre in for a treat! I did better on this wod than I thought. I felt like I was rowing slower than ever! Thrusters were completed un broken with little pauses each round.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back Day, Pull Ups/ SDHP, Run/ Burpee Box J/ Up-N-Overs

Back day with Mike. Moved on the a 45lb. plate for pull ups today. I completed sets of 5,4,4,5. Lateral pull downs felt very light after all of the heavy pull ups.

5 Minute AMRAP
5 Pull Ups
5 Sumo-Deadlift High Pulls (105)
9 Rounds + 9 Reps
*My hands are a sign of the high volume Olympic lifting I have been doing lately. They were pretty raw during this wod. As soon as I grabbed the bar for the first pull up I knew I was in for a long 5 minutes. I'm wishing I would have done chest to bar pull ups rather than regular PU's. Next time...

2 Rounds for Time
800 M Run
10 Burpee Box Jumps
10 Up-N-Overs
TIME 11:15
*I have been waiting for my high energy streak to end and it did today around 11:45am. I'm exhausted and my body does nto want to do anymore work today. I was mentally checked out for this wod. The up-n-overs were more difficult than I expected. There is a lot more accuracy needed than anticipated. What I need to do is suck it up and do a 3rd wod tonight... we'll see.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Squat Day/ "Freddy's Revenge"

Heavy strength day. Day 2 of the new strength program and it went great! Excited about my rest day tomorrow, rest from strength training, looking forward to plenty of met-cons!

"Freddy's Revenge"
5 Rounds for Time
5 Push Press (75% of 1 Rep max, 175)
10 Burpees
TIME 6:34
*This wod was pure muscle fatigue by round 3. I was breaking the sets of 5 into 3 and 2. Fun wod and a nice change of pace.

Monday, August 15, 2011

"Grace", Muscle Up/ Wall Ball

30 Ground to Overhead  (135)
TIME 2:29
*When I did this wod in June I finished in 2:57. Beating that by nearly :30 made my morning. I've said it before and I'l say it again, evidence based fitness is the only way to go. I have been feeling very strong lately but to PR by almost :30 on such a short workout is a good sign that my training is working. As for the over training principle I was taught in school... I just don't know.

Chest day with Mike. Heavy Power Clean day as well.

6 Rounds for Time
5 Muscle ups
25 Wall Balls
TIME 19:06
*I was not happy while doing this wod. My muscle ups were especially hard today. I couldn't tie more than 1 together without dropping from the rings. We are also doing muscle ups on a new aparatus which was kindly donated to us. It's great but it makes muscle ups slightly more difficult. The good news is if I ever am in a compeition with muscle ups they will seem easy compared, ideally. The wall balls were easy, I broke on the 5th round only because I was being a wuss. The rest were unbroken.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Friday/ Saturday/ Sunday

A much needed rest day on Friday. Saturday was a fun team wod. There was a nice mixture of movements and we had a great time with friends. Sunday was another rest day. This week will be the start of a new Olympic lifting schedule so this weekend was a rest in preperation of what is to come.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

OHS/ Burpee

Overhead Squats (95)
TIME 4:10
*As I am sitting here writing this I am realizing I haven't had a "rest day" since I got back from Colorado... Blair Morrison would be disappointed, however Rich Froning would be proud : ) Since Rich won the games I will stick with his method of "train as much as possible every chance you get", at least that's what I assume he calls his method. I PR'd this wod by almost a full minute. The last time I did "Jeremy" was in March of 2010, I finished in 4:57. I would say :47 seconds is a success! Evidence based fitness, there is nothing better.