Monday, February 28, 2011

Chest and Burpees/ SDHP/ C+J/ T2B

Chest day with Mike. We started off hitting chest pretty good then on the third or fourth movement I hurt a muscle in my shoulder and haven't been able to turn my head since. It affected my performance for the rest of the session.

KB C+J(55)
Toes 2 Bar
Time 17:53
*This was a great workout considering how my neck felt all day. I couldnt even look up during my burpees. I was glad there were T2B in the wod because I need to work on them ALOT! The clean and jerks with the KB went better than I thought with my neck pain.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

For time
Row 1,000 M
25 Hang Snatches(45)
Row 750 M
18 HS
Row 500 M
12 HS
TIME 11:55
*Had a great time visiting Crossfit DNA this weekend! Jake (the owner) and I did a short strength training session then did the above mentioned Met-Con. Overall it was a great workout!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Strength and a jog!

Shoulder Day with Mike. We did some old school lifts. I felt strong and it was a nice change of pace but I am looking forward to getting back after it next week.

Untimed jog/ incline walk. Taking it easy today, hoping to get in a great wod tomorrow at Crossfit DNA in Munster Indiana!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

DU/Burpees/HSPU AND WB/Box Jumps

Double Unders 100-80-60-40-20
Burpees 30-25-20-15-10
HSPU 10-8-6-4-2
TIME 21:17
*Craig accidently hit my stop watch during my workout so when the clock stopped the first time he thought there was around 4 minutes on the clock. After he restarted it and I finished the rest of the workout there was 17:17 on the clock. I just added them together and assumed it was close to what I should have finished in. Either wat this was a very difficult workout for me to finish!

REST 5 Minutes

10 RFT
10 Wall Balls
10 Box Jumps(24")
TIME 7:38
*This workout was right up my alley. I didn't break on any wall balls and only broke on the last 4 sets of box jumps. When I did break it was only for 1-2 seconds at the bottom.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

12 Min AMRAP/ Back day

12 Min AMRAP
9 Toes 2 Bar
21 Air Squats
8 Rounds + 20 Reps
*This wod went as well as I expected. Toes 2 bars are one of my weaknesses so I am always happy to work on them. I got interrupted by my phone ringing, normally I wouldn't have answered but I am waiting on an important call. More rounds and reps next time!

Back day with Mike!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bigger Engine Training Week 5

Leg Press 8x10 @ 406
Weighted Lunges 8x 20 @ 75
*Today's strength session went very well considering how tired I have been these past two days. I am VERY happy with my Bigger Engine Training! I wish I would have started this months ago!

Monday, February 21, 2011

"Wittman" and Chest

15 KB Swings(55)
15 Power Cleans(95)
15 Box Jumps(24")
TIME 12:53
*I went into this workout not feeling well. My energy is very low today, I am not really feeling well. With that said I did better than I expected. I did all KB Swings unbroken and got the first 2 sets of Power Cleans unbroken, after the 2nd set I broke them into sets of 9 and 6. The box jumps burned my glutes very badly! Those were NOT done unbroken.

Chest day with Mike.

Friday- Shoulder work

I did a traditional strength workout focussing on shoulders. I also worked a little on rubberband movements to strengthen my shoulder gurdle.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

1,000 M Repeats

1,000 M Run
Rest 2:00
September   3:56     4:07     4:25     4:26
February      3:42     3:58     3:59     3:56
*In September Lucas and I ran repeat 1,000 M, today I ran the same 1,000 M repeats and crushed my old times! I feel so good about my training right now. I feel like I have finally honed in my training schedule and diet. I see a LOT of progress in the future! Back in September I weighed 230 pounds and was around 12% BF as of this month I am 220 pounds and around 10 % BF. I feel great!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bigger Engine Training Day 4 Legs

Leg Press
1x10 @540
9x10 @450
Superset w/
Walking Lunges
10x10 @75(Barbell)
*This was a brutal strength day for me. Today was the first of 3 leg days with this routine. I will be happy to move on from these selected exercises. Although I doubt the next ones get any better. Great weather today! AND I love Brandy! : )

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Strength/ Row, WB, MU

Push Press
10x10 @135
90 Seconds Rest

Heavy Upright Rows(Wide Grip)
Rubberband work Internal/ External Rotation

1,500 M Row
40 WB
5 MU
1,000 M Row
30 WB
5 MU
500 M Row
20 WB
5 MU
TIME 24:34

Monday, February 14, 2011

TABATA Row/ Pit Shark/ Incline Press

Tabata row(calories)
16 Intervals
Lowest score was a 7. The rest were either 10, 9, or 8's.

Rest 5 Minutes THEN

Tabata Pit Shark Squats @320lbs.
I counted for total reps on the Pit Shark, I got a total of 77 reps.

For total reps
Tabata Incline Press Smith Machine(155)
TOTAL 92 Reps

Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Team WOD

Team1: Me, Terri, Rochelle, Angie
Team2: Daniel, Brandy, Morgan, Theresa

Run 2 Miles
100 Deadlifts(55/35)/ Push Ups
150 Box Jumps(20/18)/ Lunges
150 KB Swings(55/35)/ Mountain Climbers
200 Burpees
100 Wall Balls(30/15)/ Plank Hold
100 SDHP(95/55)/ Plate Hold(45/25)
FORCE 1,000 Yards(50/30)
TIME 38:20
Both teams finished within 2 secodns of eachother. That is with the time it took team 2 to set the FORCE up. I take blame for that because I am the only one who knew how to set it up, my bad : ). Great workout and I am VERY PROUD of BRANDY for doing this with me! It reminds me that I married my soulmate!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bigger Engine Training Day 3 Legs/ "Ledesma"

1x10 @205
7x10 @195
Super Set w/
Leg Press
6x15 @270
2x15 @270
*Bigger Engine training is going great!

20 Minute AMRAP
10 Toes Through Rings
15 Med Ball Squat Cleans(20)
10 Rounds +17 Reps

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bigger Engine Training: Shoulders

The emphasis on this workout was definitely my shoudlers. I did 10x10 on Smith Machine for the 2nd week in a row, one more week and I will change the movement. I used 155 and got 10 reps for the first 5 sets and the following five sets went something like 8,8,7,6,6. I tried my best to keep my rest periods to 90 seconds and no longer. After the 10x10 I worked on dips and some rotator cuff strengthening moves. I'm trying to be proactive about my already worn shoulders. Since I plan on exercising in this fashion for a long time I figure I should keep them healthy and strong.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Seal Fit/ "Christine"

200 Double Unders/ Run 1 Mile
100 Pull Ups/ Run 800 M
150 Double Unders/ Run 400 M
100 Push Ups/ Run 800 M
TIME 39:20
*Lucas and I took a page out of the Sealfit book today. Our workout came straight from their training site. It was long and mentally challenging. Wods over 20 minutes propose a whole new suck factor! I am exhausted after this one.

Row 500 M
12 BW Deadlift(225)
21 Box Jumps(20")
TIME 10:08
*This workout fried my glutes. I could barely get off the ground for the first box jump. After the first round I shook off the dust and got moving. I rowed my first 500 in 1:36, not sure if that ruined me for the rest of the workout but I just wanted to push all out from the start. Hopefully that strategy will get me strong in the long run! I am exhausted and NOT looking forward to the Bigger Engine Training I am doing on my shoulders tomorrow.

Monday, February 7, 2011

TABATA "Mash" and Force

TABATA Mash Up(20 Seconds on, 10 seconds off, 8 rounds)
Ring Push Ups
Double Unders

100yd Force(50lbs.)
30 KB Snatches
20 Wall Balls
TIME 9:30

Saturday, February 5, 2011

B.E. Training: Shoulders

I worked on my shoulders today. I followed the Bigger Engine Training that Lucas and i wrote up. I tried to only rest 90 seconds between sets but was interrupted several times. There is a huge difference when you rest longer than the allowed 90 seconds. I tried to add weight at the end to make my shoulders hit fatigue at 10 reps. Overall I am glad I did SOMETHING. This weather has definitely got me down, I want to train outside and see the sun!

Strength and Conditioning Semnar


I went to a strength and conditioning seminar today with some co-workers, had Lucas or Craig been there with me we might have got up and left 2 hours into the presentation! I wont go much into this because it will just upset me but wow talk about tunnel vision. Don't get me wrong, old school trainers have their place in the gym but including some inovative ideas into their training sure could produce some great results. I left the seminar with little information gained but a comfor in knowing what I am doing is working and working better than the majority of the people I was surrounded by.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Back Day/ Power Clean + Burpee WOD

Mike and I hit back hard today. My body is pretty sore from the past few days of training. I am looking forward to a rest day tomorrow!

Power Cleans(135)
TIME: 5:05

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bigger Engine Training Day 2 (Legs)

Back Squat
10x10 @205
Leg Press
5x15 @360
Leg Extension
3x15 @165
*This workout was tough. My legs were still shaky as of 5 pm today. I feel exhausted, these bigger engine training days really take it out of me.