Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Push Press/ Lunge & Curl/ Sit Ups

7 Rounds for Time
10 Push Press (95)
15 Lunge and Curl (25lb DB's)
20 Sit Ups (Blue 1/2 GHD @ Fitness Center)
TIME 16:00
*My time today is a rough estimate, I forgot to start the clock until after the first set of push presses. I finished the last rep around 15:45 so I am assuming my time was around 16:00. Craig and I did this wod after a heavy push jerk strength session. My muscles weren't as fatigued as I thought they would be, 95 pounds was too light. The partial GHD sit ups were the worst of the three movements. This wod was a quad burner through and through.

100 Lateral Jumps(PVC height)

30 SDHP (95)
40 Wall Balls
50 KB Swings (53)
TIME 3:57

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Box Jumps/ Deadlift

For Time
150 Box Jumps(27")
*5 Deadlifts (185) every minute*
TIME 8:46
*Box jumps killed me, I haven't jumped 27" in a while. The deadlifts were a nice break from the box jumps, I was looking forward to the top of every minute : )

Run/ Burpees/ Box Jumps/ Sq Cleans

Run 800 Meters
2 Rounds
12 Burpees
12 Box Jumps
12 Sq Cleans (155)
Run 800 M
*The 155 pound squat cleans felt much heavier than I expected. My legs were burning the entire time.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Day WOD

15,000 M Row
TIME 58:08
*If you would have asked me 5,000 M in if I would finish in 58:08 I would have said no. This workout hurt last year but it hurt even more this year. I felt more efficient with my rowing, I know I used more of my lower body to generate my power. Last year I was sore in my lats and arms after I finished, more so than this year. When I got done I couldn't bend over without feeling like I was going to tear my hamstrings. I foam rolled sporadically throughout the day and it really helped! I am writing this the day after and I am surprisingly not that sore. My average pace when it was all said and done was 156.9 or 157.6 or 7, I can't remember exactly. I'm VERY happy this one is over! A PR next year will be extremely difficult!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Run/ C+J, Wall Climb/ KBSw

5 Rounds
Run .10
10 Clean and Jerks (95)
*I just needed to sweat on this one. My schedule has been different due to Christmas break so when a client canceled today I took full advantage and squeezed in a quick one. I was dripping after 3 rounds, it felt good to get moving after the large lunch I ate just before.

10 Minute AMRAP
3 Wall Climbs
3 KB Swings (70)
3 Wall Climbs
6 KB Swings
3 Wall Climbs
9 KB Swings
and so on...
Score equals total amount of reps
TOTAL 105 reps
*The prescribed weight for this wod was 53 pounds, I only had access to a 70 or a 45 so I chose the 70. I tried to be as strict as possible on the wall climbs, that lasted for the first two then I dropped off the wall for the third climb. Good shoulder burn, especially after the shoulder strength session earlier this morning.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Burpees/ Wt Step Ups/ DB Sn

3 Rounds for Time
20 Burpees
20 Weighted Step Ups (95#'s/ 18" Box)
20 DB Snatches (55)
TIME 11:02

Rest 5 Minutes


Friday, December 16, 2011

3/5 "Hansen"

3/5 "Hansen"
30 KB Swings (70)
30 Burpees
30 Sit Ups
TIME 14:12
*I only had time to do 3 outof 5 rounds of Hansen today. It was a great workout non the less! The burpees right after heavy KB swings were a killer combination. My first round I finished in 4:02, second round was around 9:00 and the last round obviously finished at 14:12.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Squat Clean/ Burpee-Pull up

8 Minute AMRAP
Squat Clean (135)
Burpee-Pull Up
*I wanted to get a quick one in today. This 8 minute AMRAP had me dripping in 3 minutes. I couldn't believe how heavy the squat cleans felt, it was hard to tie more than 3 together. I used a barbell at my house so it took me a couple rounds to figure out my grip width.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


18 Minute Time Cap
20 Pull Ups (Varied Grips)
25 Box Jumps (24" GS)
30 Deadlifts (185)
35 Burpees
TOTAL 185 Reps
*The HSPU's and pull ups killed me. I mixed my grip up on the pull ups, the pull ups varied between fingertip grip, rope grip, and towel grip. All pull ups were done strictly. I was looking at the clock quite a bit during the pull ups and HSPU's. I can tell a big difference in my muscle endurance from taking some time off. I still feel good though and my energy level is high. Most importantly I am enjoying my training again.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

2x TABATA Rowing

2 Rounds
TOTAL Calories 8,8,8,9,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,7= 128
TOTAL Meters 1959
*It felt good to sweat and get my heart rate high. The burn was immense considering my lack of Met-cons these past 2 weeks and my heavy leg day earlier today. I actually cramped in my left hamstring during some auxillary lifts after rowing. And to think I only burned 128 calories : )

Cleared to WOD

Well after a 2 week sabbatical I have gone to the doctor and all tests say that I wont die tomorrow if I start high intensity workouts again. My biggest concern these past few weeks has been whether or not I would drop dead during a wod due to an enlarged heart or some other heart condition. After visiting the doctor today I am putting those worries behind me. When I had an EKG done an enlarged heart did not come up. You hear about athletes dropping out of know where even thought they were in top shape. I did not want to put myself in that position. Looking forward to hitting some met cons again.