Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day WOD

For time:
1,000 Wall Balls
TIME 1.19:40
*A great Memorial Day wod this morning! Brandy, Lucas, Rochelle, Angie, Theresa and I got after 1,000 Wall Balls each. Going in Lucas and I had a goal of 1hour 30 minutes, we both accomplished our goal. Next year I am hooting for under 1.15! Brandy did an AMAZING job and got all 1,000 WB's completed in 1.27. She couldn't see straight or hear for a while after but that is why I love her!

As of right now I am not sore and, knock on wood, no joint pain. I know this will all be different by tomorrow morning! I am glad we stuck with out holiday tradition and I cant wait for July 4th, 1 hour AMRAP of Ground to Overhead at body weight! Speaking of body weight, only 2 days until my weigh in with Lucas! I was 209.8 last week but my weight fluctuates more than Oprah's so who knows!

Great job to all of the Fire Dragons today! They really worked their butts off and it showed! They also were rotating a 20lb medicine ball between the 4 of them, which means comparatively speaking they did more work! Great job!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Shoulders and Hang Power Cleans

Shoulder day with Mike, we worked on strict press and heavy shrug along with other assistance moves.

7 Minute AMRAP
Hang Power Clean (190)
TOTAL 40 Reps
*Going in to this wod Lucas thought 50 would be a good goal. After the first 2 minutes I knew that wouldn't be possible. Muscle fatigue was the limiting factor. I was breathing heavy but no where near maximum HR. It was nice to focus on a single modality wod rather than a couplet, triplet or chipper.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Triple WOD Day

10 Pull Ups 
1 Burpee
9 Pull Ups
2 Burpees
8 Pull Ups
3 Burpees
7 Pull Ups
4 Burpees
6 Pull Ups
5 Burpees
5 Pull Ups
6 Burpees
4 Pull Ups
7 Burpees
3 Pull Ups
8 Burpees
2 Pull Ups
9 Burpees
1 Pull ups
10 Burpees
TIME 5:14
*Started th morning off right with a quick workout suggested by Shawn from Evansville Crossfit. Great workout, the fatigue in my chest and shoulders was the limiting factor on this one. Pull ups felt great!

Leg day with Mike and Craig. Worked on Front squat and high rep leg press along with some assistance moves.

20 Minute AMRAP
15 Pull Ups
30 SDHP(75)
15 Wall Balls
30 Box Jumps
15 Hip Extensions
TOTAL 3 Rounds 90 Reps
*At this point my body was in exhaustion mode. I can and will get 4 ronds the next time I circle back to this workout. After a heavy leg day and my morning workout I was pretty tired going into this one.

50 Calories (Rower)
40 Hang Snatches (45)
30 Burpees
20 Shoot Throughs
10 HSPU's
TIME 12: 55
*After resting only 15 minutes Lucas convinced me to do a third wod. This was a bad idea. By the time he said 3,2,1 go my body was just going through the motions. Lucas was trying his best to push me through but he could have threatened my life and it wouldn't have made a different. I was done!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bike Ride, D.U./ P.S./ GHD

Back day with Mike. We worked on back extension, emphasizing static hips and a dynamic back. The burning sensation was in a whole new place and fatigued my back nicely.

Ride a bike.
I got out and rode my bike for roughly 12 miles. This was untimed and there were two breaks along the way (not due to fatigue). I enjoyed riding and I look forward to doing this more often and saving gas $$$.

100 Double Unders
Power Snatches (95)
GHD Sit Ups
100 Double Unders
TIME 9:02
*My energy level was low tonight. I am feeling fatigued from yesterdays amount of training and I think my calorie restriction and diet change is starting to affect my energy level. I don't feel like I got "more fit" tonight but I got through the wod and I will knock this one out by at least 30 seconds next time!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Team WOD, "Jerry"

Chest day with Mike.

Team WOD from Saturday.
44 KB Swings
44 Box Jumps
RUN 400 M
44 Burpees
44 Wall Balls
TIME 40:18
* Lucas and I got after this workout. We split all of the movements up evenly but broke them down into the most efficient was we thought they could be performed. We had just enough rest the entire time to allow us to keep moving.

Run 1 Mile
Row 2,000 M
Run 1 Mile
TIME 25:56
*After about 15 minutes of rest after the team wod with Lucas I did "Jerry" with Doug and Cate. I was exhausted after this workout! I missed my PR by almost 2 minutes, understandable considering today's workload. MAJOR workload today, my power output was higher duing the first wod due to the rest breaks so the second wod was more of a calorie burner! Mission accomplished considering I lost 5 pounds between the first wod, second wod and cutting our grass.

Sunday May 22nd

400 M Run
20 Man-Makers (35 lb DB's)
400 M Run
20 MM
400 M Run
20 Man Makers
400 M Run
*I did something I almost never do today, I did NOT time a wod. I didn't like the feeling. I need to have a stop watch to motivate me. Knowing I will return to the wod one day motivates me to keep moving. Today my motivation level was very low.

Friday May 20th

Chest day with Lucas and Mike.

3 Rounds for time
50 Squats
25 Ring Dips
TIME 8:36
*My arms and chest were extremely fatigued after the chest workout earlier today. I was almost to the point of laughter while attempting to do ring dips.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sqaut Clean/ SHPU/ C2BPU

15 Minute Running Clock
-5 Minutes on each movement
Squat Clean(3/4 BW, 160) 22
Show Hands Push Ups 81
Chest to Bar Pull Ups 44
TOTAL 147 Reps
*My energy level today is at ZERO. My body feels like it is fighting something off, plus a long week of training has me drained! When I did the CF Sectional wod with Clean and Jerks I completed 26 or 27 reps so I should have done more than 22 reps on squat cleans at 160. I should have reach at least 30, a clear indicator that my body is exhausted. I should take a rest day tomorrow... but that more than likely wont happen. : )

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Leg Day, Run/ DU/ T2B/ Box Jumps

Great leg day with Mike and Craig today. We worked on front squats, single leg movements, and stiff leg deadlifts; as well as some assistance moves.

3 Rounds for Time
400 M Run
50 Double Unders
15 Toes 2 Bar
10 Box Jumps(32")
TIME 12:19
*This workout went well. I still feel like I run with cement blocks on my feet but I am working on it. Double unders went well once I got into rhythm and retied my shoe laces (twice!). The box jumps were higher than we have done in a wod for a while, it was a nice change of pace.

7 Minute AMRAP
20 Knees 2 Elbows (With Arm sleeves)
10 Burpees
TOTAL 5 Rounds (150 Reps)
*Brandy and I went downstairs for an extra wod tonight. This was purely intended to fry my abs and burn some extra calories. I was feeling energetic until the timer started but I got what I wanted out of this workout. I used arm sleeves so I would not have to worry about my grip fatiguing before my abdominal muscles, it worked. My abs are done.

The picture I added is from a joke Lucas and I did today. It is suppose to look like Rich Froning Jr's FB profile picture. There are some details to be worked out but eventually something like this will be my profile picture and we are going to see if he comments. : )

Back Day, Deadlift/ Push Press

Solid back day with Mike and Craig today. Worked on strict pull ups and some rowing moves.

5 Minute AMRAP
3 Deadlifts (275)
7 Push Press (115)
TOTAL 8 Rounds 3 Reps
*I worked on my deadlift form right before going into this wod. I wanted to work on keeping the lower lumbar curve in my back while working up to a heavy weight. I kept a solid curve while working up to 375lbs. My maximum deadlift is more than this but again, I just wanted to work on form. This wod had a high power output immediately. I want to have a solid balance of met-con training and this was a nice addition. Getting into a rhythm with the push presses was difficult. I usually want to just bounce the barbell off my chest but the weight was a little heavy to rep out like usual.

40 Pull Ups
50 KB Swings(55)
60 Sit Ups
70 Burpees
TIME 15 Something (I think)
*I can't remember what my score was on this one but I think it was somewhere in the 15 minute mark. Muscle fatigue set in after only 13 HSPU's. I thought this might happen but I pushed through as well as I could. I am happy I was able to do two wods today, especially two wods that had different power outputs.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Shoulders, Row/ M.U./ WBSU

Morning session with Mike and Craig went well. Worked on strict press and some assistance moves.

Score is total reps
Row (Calories) 48, 53, 51
Muscle Ups 7, 6, 5
Wall Ball Sit Ups 38, 36, 375
*This wod initially was suppose to be 30 Muscle Ups for time. This is what happens when Craig, Lucas and I start snowballing wods! Great workout overall. Going into this one I knew the rower would be my strong point but I wanted to work on muscle ups while my HR was high and my muscles were fatigued. I got just that. Using the rings yesterday at Indy Shield CrossFit seemed so much easier than the rings we have. No excuses. The wall ball sit ups were the real shoulder burner! I owe thanks to Shawn from Evansville CrossFit  for the suggested movement! Looking forward to doing these in the future!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

CrossFit Level 1 Certification: Reflection

CrossFit Level 1 Certification: Indy Shield
I had a great time this weekend at the Level 1 Cert. CrossFit put on a great program with solid instructors. The progressions they went over for olympic lifts and gymnastics moves were very educational and I look forward to using them in my practice. The test at the end of the certification was a bit on the easy side, especially since they taught to it the entire weekend; throwing out hints like "this is important" and "you should remember this" made the test passable by nearly everyone there. I don't see anything wrong with this method EXCEPT when people take this weekend certification with no prior background, education, and/ or experience and attempt to train clientele. This throws up major red flags for me. Training someone without the above mentioned "credentials" puts that person at a higher risk for injury. Not to mention the lack of quality in training for such an expensive monthly habit. My hat goes off to those who spent the time and money to improve their own level of fitness and looked at this weekend as an opportunity to increase their knowledge base. I wish them luck and and safe training. Don't get me wrong, there are people out there who are accountants by profession yet have dedicated years to studying the sport of weight training. Countless seminars and clinics have put them in a place to give advice and maybe even train some people. But to take one weekend certification without proper "credentials" and experience and open your own affiliate or become a quote "trainer" is ridiculous and disrespectful to the profession.  

Pull Ups
TIME 3:19 * NEW PR
*Fran felt great! A new PR by 9 seconds! I have to attribute this to the amazing atmosphere set by the people I was around. It turns out 3:19 was the fastest time at the certification this weekend, myself and Shawn, from Evansville CrossFit, finished at the exact same time. He and I were face to face on the wod (literally facing each other and next to each other on the pull up system) and pushed each other up until the last second. It was great! I'm looking forward to traveling down to Evansville for a summer competition or just a day of hellish wods! 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Esophageal Ulcer

A few days off from training due to what we think is an ulcer on my esophagus. After multiple prescriptions and anti-acid medications I think we may have narrowed down one that is helping. Only time will tell. I ate my first solid meal in 3 days today. CrossFit level 1 Certification tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Back Day, Row/ Burpee

Back day with Mike and Craig. I am steadily increasing my strict pull ups every week. This is the best way to become stronger on kipping pull ups which are very popular in CrossFit. Four days until my CrossFit Level 1 Certification in Indy! This also means 4 days until FRAN! I'm both excited and nervous at the same time. I hope to get one of the top times in the certification, undoubtedly there will be some studs there so we will see...

12 Minute AMRAP
Row 2,000 Meters
THEN with time remaining
Your score is the total number of Burpees performed.
TOTAL 75 Burpees
*This wod was a lung burner. I am exhausted from 2 LONG work days so my energy level going in was minimal. I really enjoy wods like this because it is a great combination of movements. I got off the rower at 6:59.4 and had 5 minutes to knock out 75 burpees. My goal was 15 burpees per round. I think I came close to that total. Next time I will get more. Looking forward to a light work day and heavy workout day tomorrow!

Chest Day (Monday)

Chest day with Mike and Craig today. Light day considering just Friday we hit a pretty heavy workload for chest.

No Met-Con today, work has been very busy and due to time restraints I couldn't fit a wod in. I hope to do something tomorrow.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
TIME 34:20
*This wod did not have a "Fran" bad feeling as others I've done. It tested me more mentally than anything. I think when I do this again I will try to attack the movements with a higher level of intensity. I never really rested but I did switch movements when the muscle group I was focusing on became fatigued. Workouts like this are so puzzling to me. If you push like crazy you will burn out and have a bad time yet if you pace yourself you risk resting too much and having a bad time. I look forward to doing this one again with slightly more intensity. Great job to all of the members at CrossFit Terre Haute! Especially my Fire Dragon Brandy! She posted a time of 35:53!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

"Tommy V"

Chest day with Mike and Craig. We did a lot of high power chest movements. Very straining strength session.

"Tommy V"
21 Thrusters (115)
12 Rope Climbs (12')
15 Thrusters
9 Rope Climbs
9 Thrusters
6 Rope Climbs
TIME 20:42
*This wod kicked my butt, I seem to be saying that a lot lately! The rope climbs were so tasking on my forearms I had to pace the rope climbs. I think fresh and in the right mindset I can do this in a lot less time. Who knows.... Looking forward to another challenging wod tomorrow!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

"Ben Ten"

10 Deadlifts (225)
10 Power Cleans (135)
10 Thrusters (95)
10 Snatches (95)
Row 1,000 M
TIME 26:01
*This was a horrible workout. With that said, I loved it! I could barely row at teh end. My muscles were so fatigued from the high power output throughout the 5 rounds that I could barely pull the rowing handle! I had never heard of or seen this wod until today. It was suggested to me by a friend who I went to high school with, I'm glad he did. Longer wods seem to be a weakness of mine, more mental than anything else. I always toy with strategies with these and sometimes they work, sometimes I'm not so lucky. Lucas and I talked about this one and I think I did the best I could TODAY. I will be circling back around to this wod in a few months and I look forward to beating this time! Until then!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Light Leg Day

Light leg day with Mike. We did heavy leg press and light assistance movements to finish up.

*No met-con today, my body is in much need of a rest from the high level of intensity training. I plan on getting in 1 or 2 met-cons tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Back Day, B/SC/PU/DU/Row

Back day with Mike high volume strength training today. I was wiped out when we finally finished!

50 Burpees
6 Rounds of
6 Squat Cleans (115)
12 Pull Ups
24 Double Unders
Row 50 Calories
TIME 17:19
*I did this wod last August and it was just as bad then as it was today. By the time I got on the rower I felt like I had ZERO energy left. When I finally finished the wod my butt hurt so bad I could barely sit! The video attached is of the wod. Last time I did this wod I didn't finish it in the allowed 20 minute time period. This time I finished in under 20 minutes! This is why I keep a log and continue to push myself!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Shoulder Day, Thrusters/ Shoot Through's

Shoulder day with Mike. We worked on banded shoulder press on the Smith Machine, it was VERY difficult and burned my entire shoulder.

4,000 M Row

4 Rounds Untimed
15 Thrusters(95)
15 Shoot Through's
TIME Untimed but around 12 minutes.
*New movement today, they are extremely difficult, especially immediately following a shoulder workout. The burning sensation in your chest and shoulders is incredible! I should have some video posted in a day or so, still trying to figure out the uploading process.

Active Rest Day

Sunday May 1, 2011

5,000 M Row
*My last rest day was April 8th (my birthday) so today I wanted to take it a little easier. I rowed for 5,000 M and kept an average 500 pace of 2:10. It was a nice way to stay warm while doing computer work at work.