Thursday, June 30, 2011

Filthy Fifty

50 Box Jumps (24")
50 Jumping Pull Ups
50 KB Swings (35lb.)
50 Walking Lunges
50 Knee 2 Elbows
50 Push Press (45)
50 Back Extensions
50 Wall Balls
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders
TIME 18:28
*I haven't done the Filthy Fifty in since November. I don't think I have ever done it "right" today was one more step in the right direction. Last time we used a 53 lb KB and I scored 21:10. This time I used a 35 lb KB and I scored 18:28. I would like to think I have become more efficient on everything but by using a different size kb I just don't know how much better I got on everything else. It was still a brutal workout, the combination of 90 degree weather and my sunburn made the 18 minutes very unpleasant! Looking forward to a GREAT weekend filled with friends and family!

Wednesday- Burpee/ KBHP/ Double Unders

20 Minute AMRAP
10 Burpees
15 KB High Pulls(55)
20 Double Unders
TOTAL 13 Rounds 7 Reps
*This was a mentally tought workout. I felt strong throughout. Lucas going first was a great motivating factor, otehrwise I may have not pushed as hard. There is a great video on CF mainsite, it is a great example of MAXIMUM effort. The video is Mikko Salos doing strength work on front squat... After watching it you will know why he is among the best in the world.

Tuesday Run/ Snatch

400 M Run
20 Hang Power Snatch(95)
800 M Run
20 Hang Power Snatch
400 M Run
TIME 9:49
*I felt like a fat kid running today. I don't know if it was my shoes or my form but it felt like there were bricks on my feet! The snatches went well.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Front Squat, Row/ WB/ Box Jumps

Front Squat

500 M Row
30 Wall Balls
30 Box Jumps (24")
TIME 13:10
*After a week of taking it "easy" I had a great workout this morning! A nice 3 rounds finishing in 13:10, ironically enough Lucas scored teh exact same time on this one! It was a great, well rounded workout.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Today we did a team wod in class, due to our odd numbers I needed to participate. Amber and I kicked butt and I am pretty sure she did most of the work! : ) The wod consisted of running, squatting, wall balls, and more running with weight plates. It was fun and a great time with friends! Good luck to the "Hot Mudders" in their Mudathon today! I know they will do us proud!

Squat Clean, KBS/ SHPU

Squat Clean
*I have been working on my Olympic lifts more lately (I intend to keep this up), after I was humbled while watching a CF Regionals video. REGIONALS and these guys were squat cleaning 315lbs!! Impressive to say the least! I have never truly dedicated myself to a strength program with Olympic movements so I am excited to see what happens! I plan on charting all of my numbers in a notebook, putting them on here is still a little embarrassing considering how low they are...

Show Hand Push Ups
*Great workout to fit into my morning. I haven't been feeling very motivated lately so it was nice to just squeeze this one in and be finished.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Run/ Burpees

20 Minute AMRAP
200 M Run
15 Burpees
Score is total number of burpees

5 Minute AMRAP
3 Muscle Ups
3 Squat Cleans (135)
TOTAL 4 Rounds 2 Reps

20 Minute AMRAP
200 M Run
15 Burpees
Score is total number of burpees
*I redid the workout from this morning due to my poor diet selection the past few days. I just needed to burn some extra calories. I did work on my running form and it helped greatly! The first time I did this wod I finished with :29 the second time, when I changed my running form, I finished my burpees with 1:29 left on the clock.

Deadlift/ Row

500 M Row
10 Deadlifts (275)
TIME 5:43

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011

100 OHSQ

100 Overhead Squats (95)
TIME 5:53
*I am completely exhausted and I need to take a rest day. From my knees down I have some serious muscle soreness.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Power Clean/ Burpees,Thrusters/ Double Unders

Leg day with Mike.

10 Minute AMRAP
3 Power Cleans (185)
7 Burpees
TOTAL 11 Rounds
*I wanted to move heavy weight today. I feel like this is something my program lacks as far as Met-Cons are concerned. The 185 pound power clean was exactly what I needed. Moving heavy weight while your heart rate is 180+ is not easy. I enjoy doing this type of workout as it challenges me in a new way!

10 Minute AMRAP
20 Thrusters (45)
20 Double unders
TOTAL 7 Rounds 33 Reps
*Opposite my earlier workout I wanted to move light weight fast and reach a totally different threshold. This wod was perfect. The deep shoulder burn was almost too much to handle! Double unders felt great, minus the fact that the rope got caught in my five-fingers on three seperate occasions. I ended up doing 3 sets of double unders with the rope intwined in my toes! I was on my back after this workout, it felt great!

10 Minute AMRAP
5 Pull Ups
10 Shoot Throughs(PVC Pipe)
15 Air Squats
TOTAL 6 Rounds
*This was a complete muscle burner. Third wod of the day and I was exhausted. I am in much need of a rest day.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Pull Ups/ Box Jumps/ SHPU, 100 M Sprints

Chest day with Mike.

10 RFT
5 Pull Ups
10 Box Jumps (30")
15 Show Hand Push ups
TIME 13:36
*BIG ASTRIX on this wod, something weird happened during the 6th round that has only happened once before. My heart felt like it was coming out of my chest and out of rhythm. It was weird and it was causing me to cough in a weird way. The ironic thing is this happened literally 5 minutes after a "Clean bill of health" physical from my doctor... I'm sure this was a freak incidence.

10 Rounds Untimed
100 M Sprints (Max effort)
*Lucas, Doug and I decided to run sprints a couple minutes after the first wod. I wanted to see if the issue I had previously would happen again and what better way then to run 100 M sprints in 80 degree weather! All went well and I am still alive. Confirming my thought that it was a freak incident.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Burpees/ KBS/ Sandbag

3 Rounds UNTIMED
30 Burpees
20 KB Swings (70)
10 Ground to Shoulder (Sandbag, 70lb.)
*It felt great to swing the heavy KB today. I need to get under some heavy weight during Met-Cons. I feel like this is an area I have been lacking experience in. I hope to do more this week.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

(Saturday) 5- 6 Minute AMRAPS

We did a great wod today, it had a nice combination of CrossFit moves. Rochelle and I were on a team and we kicked butt! She definitely became a better CrossFitter today. I saw her push through a threshold of pain that rarely gets reached. She and everyone else did great! The sense of community at CrossFit Terre Haute is definitely building!

The Wods were as follows (To the best of my memory):

#1 25 Wall Balls/ 25 Inverted Rows
#2 21 KBS/ 30 Med Ball Cleans
#3 Rowing for Calories
#4 33 Lunges/ 24 SDHP
#5 Jumping Pull Ups/ Push Press(45 lb.)

Friday, June 10, 2011

D.U./ Ring Rows/ Rings Dips

5 Rounds for Time
30 Double Unders
20 Inverted Ring Rows
10 Ring Dips
TIME 12:30
*This workout was horrible. That's really all I want to say about it. BUT, the double unders went well and the dips were manageable. The inverted ring rows were a different story. This movement is horrible, I don't knwo whether to add it in more or avoid it like the plague!! I'm sure we will add it in : ) I'm feeling a much needed rest day coming up.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sq Snatch, Push Press/ Burpee, Box Jump/ KBS/ Run

Squat Snatch for strength today. This move felt foreign when I started and it didn't get much better as I increased weight. Catching the bar at the bottom of the move makes it difficult to balance. This is something I need to work on, I always tell my clients they will get 10x's stronger 10x's faster if they use correct form. I am no exception so I really worked on form today. After a quick Met-Con, Mike and I did a chest strength workout.

10 Minute AMRAP
Rep Scheme: 3,3,6,6,9,9,12,12...
Push Press (115)

1.25 Mile Jog

Box Jumps (24")
KBS (53)
Run 200 Yards after every round.
TIME 13:47, I think...

Great day of training today, I'm exhausted. 100 degree weather really drains your body! Congrats to Lucas for his new Rings and Inov-8 shoes!

Tuesday: Leg Day, Regional WOD Re-Do

Leg day with Mike. We changed it up and did a nice variety of moves today.

500 M Run
1,000 M Row
TIME 10:07
*Sort of a brain lapse for me today. I meant to re-do the regional wod that I was embarrassed by last week but I only ran 500 M. It was still a good workout but I wish I would have done the full 1,000 M.

10 Minute AMRAP Score = Total Lunges
BUY-IN 800 M Run
MAX Weighted Lunges (53) *Both hands on KB at all times
*Great leg/ butt burner! I have been running a lot lately and it is starting to feel better. I ran in my Vibrams and they felt great! The new socks are a big plus!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Back Day, 30 MU, Thruster/ Burpee Pull Ups, WB/ PU/ Run

Back day with Mike.

For time:
30 Muscle Ups
TIME 11:03

7 Minute AMRAP
7 Thrusters (95)
7 Burpee Pull Ups

3 RFT w 1 Minute rest between rounds
15 Wall Balls
10 Pull Ups
200 M Run
R1 1:45
R2 4:37
R3 7:13
*I think this is the breakdown of my rounds, from what I remember. I was exhausted at this point. The back strength work combined with the muscle ups and burpee pull ups exhausted me. I can always use the extra help with running, especially in this heat. I want my body to fully adapt to the 90+ temperatures this summer is sure to bring! Round 1 took 1:45 (obviously) round 2 took 1:52 and round 3 took 1:36. I ran as hard as I possibly could on the lst round and it showed in my time. I felt good considering my energy level going in.

Saturday (6/4/11) TEAM WOD

For time: (One person works at a time)
100 Box Jumps
90 Ring Dips

80 Overhead Lunges (45lbs)
70 Pull-ups
60 Push Press (95lbs)
50 Double Unders (Each)
40 Jump Squats
30 Wall Balls
20 200 yd Sprints
10 Muscle-Ups
TIME: 37:18
*Lucas and I got a great team workout in this morning! The 200 M runs were horrible!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Row/ Burpees/ Hang PC + Jerk/ T2B/ Lunge/ Sprint

Chest/ Shoulder day with Mike.

20 Calories (Rower)
30 Burpees (Jump onto 35lb. Plate)
40 Hang Power Clean + Jerks (95)
50 Toes to Bars
100 Ft OH Lunge
200 M Sprint
TIME 12:41
*Lucas and I were able to get this nice workout in this afternoon. It was a close race back and forth until the toes to bars did me in. I am a lot more efficient than I use to be but there is still work to be done! Today is the first day I have been able to move without severe pain. I should have pushed myself through some workouts these past few days but I wanted to fully recover for once before moving forward. I can't help but feel lazy lately, I guess it's a good thing when only doing one Met-Con a day makes you feel this way... Looking forward to a great workout tomorrow!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Run/ HSPU/ Row

Back day with Craig and Mike.

For time:
Run 1,000 Meters
Row 1,000 M
TIME 14:10
*My energy level is the lowest it has been in a LONG time. My body is no where near fully recovered from the 1,000 Wall Balls. Couple that with my recent weight loss and you have zero energy! I shouldn't have even timed this wod but it was the first workout from Regionals this year. I hope fresh I can do this in under 12 minutes. I will be trying this again soon.