Thursday, September 29, 2011

Run/ GHD Sit Ups

 Minute AMRAP
*Score = total number of GHD Sit Ups
Run 200 M
15 GHD Sit Ups
*Light work load today. My body is sore from the great leg day yesterday. It felt good to get on the GHD machine. It is a move I don't do enough and I know I will see a lot of benefits from using it regularly. I used most of the day as a recovery period in preperation of what is sure to be a huge shoulder day tomorrow.

Partial "Diane"
21 Deadlifts (225)
21 Hand Stand Push Ups
15 Deadlifts
10 HSPU's
TIME 7:08
*I attempted this wod late at night, bad idea. My shoulders fatigued VERY quickly. I might still be attempting HSPU's had I gone on to complete the entire wod.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Deadlift, Snatch/ T2B/ Box Jumps

15 Minute Drill Front Squat
225 3 reps every minute
0 Misses

100 Pull Ups for Time
*3 BW Power Cleans every minute
TOTAL 55 Pull Ups. Failed on minute 4. Pull Ups went as follows: 26,14,5,5,5, failed to PC my BW

3 Rounds for Time
7 Squat Snatches (115)
14 Toes 2 Bars
21 Box Jumps (24")
TIME 6:55
*It's been a while since I have worked on squat snatches. The standard on this wod was the bar had to be caught at the bottom of a squat. Surprisingly the snatches went well. I did not miss on a single rep. Toes 2 Bars are a weakness still but are getting better.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Power Clean, Collet Park WOD

Lucas and I worked on power cleans before hitting our met-con at the park.

Rope Climb (20ft)
100 yd Sprint
Rope Climb
20 Commando Pull Ups
Rope CLimb
50 Box Jumps
Rope Climb
Rope Climb 
*Typically we do not do wods untimed but this was a team wod and we worked in rotation. When one person was on a movement for example rope climbs or pull ups, the others were either holding a plank, SHPU's, or Air Squatting. This was a great workout and it accomplished exactly what we needed. The 20 ft rope climbs were a nice change from our 12ft climbs at the box.

Push Press (15 Minutes), Death by Burpees

3 Push Press every minute on the minute (15 Minutes)
0 Misses @195lbs.
*Lucas, Craig and I did the push press wod together. I did all 15 minutes without missing a rep. The weight felt heavy but I think 200+ would be better for this scheme. I look forward to getting numbers for these 15 minute wods we do.

Death by Burpees
1 Burpee @ 1 minute, 2 at 2, 3 at 3 and so on until you fail to complete the number of reps for that minute.
TOTAL 17 Rounds +16 Reps
*I focused mostly on moving my body faster on the burpees. I have realized lately that if I want to make it to regionals I need to move faster at some movements. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Rest Day

Today was a much needed rest day. Hopefully I will get a big training day tomorrow. Shooting for 2-3 wods.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Box Jump/ Burpee, Strict Press(15 Minute), Row/ KB Swing

10 Minute Amrap
10 Box Jumps (28")
10 Burpees
TOTAL 9 Rounds 11 Reps
*CFTH did this wod last night and it looked nasty with a big focus on my weaknesses so I had to try it. I did better than I thought I would with such a high box jump. I look forward to training with a higher box from now on. Come competition time a standard 24" box will be easier compared..

15 Minute Running Clock
3 Strict Presses every minute on the minute (135)
Misses: 0
*I completed all 15 repetitions without missing a rep. The weight felt good throughout. This was my first time using this format for a strict press so I just guessed and threw 135 on the bar. Next time I will progress to 140 and so on.

2 Rounds for Time
750 M Row
50 KB Swings (70)
TIME 10:17
*This wod was EXACTLY what I thought it would be. The row went as planned and the 70 lb KB was a great addition to the wod. I'm glad I bumped the weight!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Heavy Leg Day, HSPU/ C2B/ Squat

Heavy leg day with Craig. We absolutely crushed our lower body this morning. My strength sessions have been getting much more intense and I am seeing the results. We worked on Front Squat, Barbell Lunges, Stiff Leg Deads, Posterior Chain Hip Lifts, and Hamstring Curls.

8 Minute AMRAP
6 Chest 2 Bar Pull Ups
18 Air Squats
TOTAL 9 Rounds + 16 Reps (261 Reps)
*Today's goal was to work on my body weight movements. This wod did just that! I was able to work on the speed of my air and I even tied a couple C2B pull ups together. I think I scored 9+ rounds on this one but I may have only scored 8+. Either way it was a great wod. I had intended to do another wod tonight but ran out of time with the large number of attendees at CFTH. It was a great atmosphere!

Monday, September 19, 2011

C+J/ C2B, Rope Climb/ Thruster/ KBS

5 Rounds for Time
4 Clean and Jerk (135)
6 Chest 2 Bar Pull Ups
TIME 4:33
*I hit this wod early in the morning. It was tough to ramp up my intensity for this type of wod. The clean anad jerks went as expected. Chest to bar pull ups are very difficult for me, it is hard to get into a rhythm.

4 Rounds for Time
2 Rope Climbs (Legless)
4 Rope Climbs
6 Thrusters (135)
8 Kettle Bell Swings (70)
TIME 13:55
*Lucas and I wrote this beast up, to be honest I did MUCH better on the legless rope climbs than I thought I would. We also threw a curve ball in that you couldn't drop from the rope you had to show control until you reach an eight foot or so tape mark. This increased the difficulty but made the movement much more legitimate. I did the rope climbs with no gloves and I enjoyed the added grip strength. From now on i am going to take a whole new approach to rope climbing.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Shoulder Day, Double Under/ Run

5 Rounds for Time
35 Double Unders
200 M Run
TIME 6:50
*After a heavy shoulder push press session I attempted this wod. I was very disappointed in my time. I need to get better at running. After this wod I trained some clients then had a HUGE strength session with Mike, Craig, and Lucas. We went heavy on nearly every lift and threw some new movements in that really fried my shoulders. Between that strength session and the wod from yesterday my soreness level is a 10! Possibly resting tomorrow in order to hit it hard Sunday.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Burpee Box Jumps, WB/Dips/ SHPU

*Rest 2 Minutes between rounds
30 Burpee Box Jumps (24")
TIME: R1 2:10 R2: 211 R3 2:00 TOTAL 10:21
*Lesson learned, I will never pace again. I held back way too much this morning. I regret going so sow on teh first and second round. I was fully recovered after the 2 minute breaks every time.

3 Rounds for points
2 Minutes Wall balls (70,39,42)
1 Minute Dips (48, __,__)
2 Minute SHPU (__,__,__)
*I can't remember the breakdown of the rest of the movements but I do remember how much muscle fatigue I felt after I was done. It was horrible. My shoulders were on fire. I love and hate this feeling. I love it because I know I am breaking down muscle fibers and getting better. I hate it because it hurts like crazy!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Strength Day

I attempted to do a strength session this morning with Squat Snatch. My body is pretty tired from yesterday's workload. Looking at my schedule I realized I will be able to have a big training day tomorrow so I decided to hit a heavy back strength session then call it a day.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Power Cleans, PC/ Ring Push Ups, Burpee Box Jumps

Every Minute on the Minute for 15 Minutes
1 Power Clean (220)
0 Misses
*Lucas and I tried this format last week with Front squats. Today we went with PC's. The weight I chose was a little light, I think I can get a much better workout with 225,230, or 235. The heavier weight would force me to focus on my form and technique much more.

9 Minute AMRAP
Power Clean (190)
Ring Push Ups
TOTAL 90 Reps
This wod got real hard real quick. The weight was just enough that I dropped it each rep. Hopefully next time I hold on to it more. My body was pretty tired at this point due to the previous workout, not that I'm listing excuses (we have a white board for that) but it is a ligetimate reason why I feel I can do this wod and score higher.

For Time
30 Burpee Box Jumps (24")
TIME 1:57
*My legs were completely fried at this point in the day. As usual I ws doing the math in my head with each burpee. had I kept the pace I had for the first 10 burpees I would have finished in 1:15. That was NOT going to happen. I felt like someone was pouring hot lava into my muscles as I was moving! My throat was raw and my legs were on fire by the end. I loved it.

A great day of training. Days like this make me feel good about my goal to qualify for regionals next year.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Burpee/ Run/ Burpee, 500 M ROW

For time
50 Burpees
800 M Run
50 Burpees
TIME 9:47
*Lucas wrote this one up, we are both pretty banged up from this past weekend of training so we wrote up something that wouldn't produce much damage. It still sucked BUT it was manageable. I ran slower than I would have liked but that's the story when your not a very good runner. The burpees went as well as can be expected. Hopefully in the future I will get after this wod a little faster.

For time
500 M Row
TIME 1:30
*I rested about 5 minutes after the above wod and decided to crush or be crushed by a 500 M Row. Turns out I didn't have enough oxygen in my muscles to produce a PR or even close to a PR at that and I got crushed. My previous best is 1:27. I do feel like I can PR on a 500 M row, just not immediately following a very cardiovascularly taxing wod.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

CrossFit Games Team wod, "Weaver"

For time, with a running clock, alternate teammates for each wod.
Elizabeth - 6:45 (Tony)
Fran - 4:38 (Lucas)
Isabel - 4:46 (Tony)
Grace - 5:54 (Lucas)
Diane - 13:15 (Tony)
Karen - 8:09 (Lucas)
TIME 43:27  (Combined total)
*This is the wod from the 2011 CrossFit Games Team Competition. Each team was comprised of 6 individuals. In this particular wod each individual was given one "girl" wod to complete. The wods had to be completed in the above order with a running clock. Lucas and I tackled this one early this afternoon. I was extremely disappointed in how long "Diane" took me to complete. I underestimated the fatigue in my shoulders. Our overall time was 43:27 but our individual wod times are above. Obviously these scores are much slower than our PR's would be if we were fresh for each wod. Even the first wod was strategically slowed down, I know that just doesn't make sense when referring to anything CrossFit.

10 L Pull Ups
15 Push Ups
15 C2B Pull Ups
15 Push Ups
20 Pull Ups
15 Push Ups
TIME 21:08
*This wod was almost funny. My body is just tired and in need of rest and recovery. My hands hurt almost instantly from all of the pull ups I have done lately. I look forward to doing this wod again and much faster.

Box Jump/ Chest 2 Bar

Front squat every minute on the minute (255)
No misses
*I had a lot of fun with this strength focused wod. I plan on using this format and others like it often in the future. 

For Time
Box Jumps (26")
Chest 2 Bar Pull Ups
TIME 7:48
*I had Lucas write this wod up for me in order to work on my weaknesses. It did just that. The box jumps are higher than usual which will help me in the long run when I compete and 24" is the standard. Chest 2 Bar pull ups are something i don't do enough, it's hard for me to get into a rhythm with them.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

"Air Force WOD", ISU Track

"Air Force WOD"
For Time
20 Thrusters
20 Push Press
20 Overhead Squats
20 Front Squats
*4 burpees every minute on the minute, start with 4 burpees*
TIME 5:42   OLD PR= 6:59
**Felt GREAT this morning! The last time I did this wod was May 2011 and I finished in 6:59 so finishing in 5:42 made me feel REALLY good this morning. Evidence based fitness, its what keeps me coming back : ).

For Time
15 Muscle Ups
Run 800 M
15 Muscle Ups
TIME 9:55
*Lucas and I headed over to ISU's trackto do some wods today, this was the first one we thouht of. They have a great pull up system that we hung rings from and were able to knock out some muscle ups on.  I can get faster at this wod by staying on the rings for consecutive muscle ups. I know this will take practice but today I had a hard time gripping the rings. The track there is much softer than the concrete I'm use to running on, my feet were happy. I still hate running...

3 Rounds for Time
10 Burpees - Jump to an 8 foot target
15 Toe 2 Bars
20 Ring Push ups
TIME 6:47
*After standing around for abotu 5 minutes we decided to do another wod. The killer here was muscle fatigue. I was trying to push Lucas during his wod (He went first) so I yelled for him to move faster on the burpees, when it came time for me to start my second round I almost looked at him and laughed because I realized how dumb I must have soudned telling him to push faster. The fatigue in my chest has been unmatched for a long time. It felt good to be THAT exhausted. I love it : )

Great day of traing!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Power Cleans/ Bar Facing Burpees, KB Chipper WOD

Power Clean (135)
Bar Facing Burpees
TIME 5:36
*Power Cleans were fairly easy, at least easier than the bar facing burpees. This movement is horrible, it is near impossible for me to get into a rhythm. I watched a video on CF mainsite and someone did this wod in 4:45, that was my goal, maybe next time. I did beat one o the mainsite "stud" times so I guess that is good. Next time my goal is to finish sub 5:00.

20 KB Snatches
30 KB Front Squats
50 KB Push Press
60 KB Swings
TIME 6:38
*CF Terre Haute did this wod tonight so I had to give it a try. I underestimated the shoulder fatigue during the KB Swings. I can usually knock out 30 or so unbroken but due to the extreme shoulder fatigue I  broke it into 25, 15, 10, 5, 5. My shoulders were burning.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day WOD, Burpee/ KB Clean

5 Rounds for Time
800 M Run
30 KB Swings (55)
30 KB High Pulls (55)
TIME 31:22
*I did this wod back in November when it was freezing cold and I finished in 33:40 something.  I was hoping to finish under 30:00 but after round 3 I knew that would be near impossible at my pace. The run felt better than previously but the KB swings and high pulls actually felt harder than in November.

10 Minute AMRAP
10 Hurdle Facing Burpees (3 Ft Hurdle)
15 KB Power Cleans (55)
TOTAL 7 Rounds 3 Reps
*After Brandy finished her wod I decided to do another quick one. There was a really long hurdle that was solid all the way down so I decided to do hurdle facing burpees. basically these are the same as bar facing burpees except you have to jump over a 3 ft hurdle instead of a bar. It was nice to be able to use my hands and push off the hurdle to help get myself over. The KB Power Cleans were pretty easy, next time I do this wod I think I will use a 70 lb bell instead.  This wod was a nice outdoor "Blair" type wod. I was happy to do it and glad it was over!

Sunday, September 4, 2011


As a team complete As Many Rounds As Possible of:
8 Thrusters (155)
7 Rope Assents (12 ft)
11 Box Jumps (30")
*One partner works at a time while the other runs 400 M with a 45 lb sandbag. *
6 ROUNDS 2 Reps
*Lucas and I completed the brand-new Hero wod today. This may be one of the worst wods I have ever done. Everything in it was horrible. The weight was heavy, the rope assents were difficult, the box jumps were annoying and the run was terrible. Now that I have that out of the way, I really enjoyed this wod when it was all said and done. The mixture of movements and not knowing what you would start on was exciting and a nice change. These Hero wods are always good to help me get to that next level mentally. Inevitably I always think about the Hero or Heros that the wod was written for and it motivates me to work harder. WODs like these make me happy to be alive.

1,000 M Row, 800 M Run

For Time
1,000 M Row
TIME 3:12
*This is the fastest I have ever rowed 1,00 M so I was pretty satisfied with my time. One day I will be under 3:00. I kept a pace of 1:25 for the first 400 M or so then slowed down to 1:30, 1:35, and eventually 1:40-1:45. This was a great wod at maximum effort. Time spent training this energy system is the worst but it produces the greatest changes!

For Time
800 M Run
TIME 3:05
*I was a little disappointed in my time today. If I ran this alone I would have never finished this fast and i probably would have been less disappointed. Luckily for me I ran my 800 M with the noon class. Gage and Leon pushed me to a limit close to competition level. They are both very fast. To duplicate this training level on a regular basis would be amazing, hopefully we can create some scenarios similar in the future.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

OHS, WB/ Rope Climb/ Burpee

I PR'd on Overhead squats tonight, it felt good to get the weight above my head.

3 Rounds for Time
15 Wall Balls
5 Rope Assents
15 Burpees
TIME 10:43
*The rope climbs were by far the hardest part of this wod. They were so straining on my body that i felt like I had a weight vest on for the rest of the workout. Rope climbs are definitely a weakness of mine,  I plan on throwing in some more skillful wods in the future.