Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Farmer's Walk/ D.U.'s/ Box Jump/ Push Up

200 M Barbell Farmer's Walk (95 LBS. each)
100 Double Unders
150 Box Jumps
100 Push Ups
200 M Barbell Farmer's Walk (95 LBS. each)
TIME 25:45
*I was very close to quitting at the end of this wod. The farmer's walk was extremely frustrating on the last round. It was frustrating the first round but the last 200 M's was near impossible. Between the sweat on my hands, barbell and sweat rolling down my arms I could not grip the bar. A very frustrating wod that I will probably never do again, and I'm ok with that.

We leave tonight at 3:15 to go to Colorado. I'm excited to learn more about O-Lifting. I'm not looking forward to the time away from Brandy and Cali. It should be an educational trip.

Row/ Hang Clean/ Air Squat

3 Rounds for Time
Row 20 Calories
15 Hang Clean (215)
20 Air Squats
TIME 18:36
*Heavy weights were moved today. It felt great after I was done. The weight felt impossible at first but once I focused on my form I was tieing 2,3 or 4 reps together. I can feel myself getting stronger and the numbers are showing it too. Everyone else at the gym moved some heavy weight too and it was inspirational to see them work as hard as they did. Intensity is the ONLY way to get results....

Monday, July 25, 2011

Master's Division WODs

3 Rounds for Time
4 Muscle Ups
8 Thrusters(135)
TIME 4:26
*My hands were sweaty at first and it was hard for me to get a rythm on the muscle ups during round 1. I felt like I moved more fluently through rounds 2 and 3, as I usually do. Probably due to the fact that I never warm up, I know, shame shame. Thrusters felt heavy and hard to balance, putting that much weight up was tough at first. I found my rythm in later rounds.

Rest 10 Minutes

21 OH Squats (95)
21 SHPUs
200 M Run
15 OHS
200 M Run
200 M Run
TIME 6:28 I think...
*The OHS felt easy, I think it's time to start using more than 95 pounds on everthing. My legs felt great and I was able to do each round un broken. Pushing through the SHPUs and 200 M run was just a matter of dealing with the suck factor.

**I squeezed these two wods in at the end of the day. I spent an amazing day with Cali then headed in to work. I was able to do two of the wods from the Master's Division today. These short Met-Cons are just what I needed. They are a time frame that I don't hit often enough. Doing them with only a 10 minute break made me feel very "CrossFit Game" like. : )

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Pumpfest 2011

Saturday was the 5th Gladiator Challenge put on by Union Hospital. This was the 2nd year that the Pumpfest has been CrossFit oriented and again it did not disappoint. We had around 30 competitors and they all worked very hard. Great job to everyone who participated, especially my loving wife who placed 2nd!

15 Minute AMRAP
10 Burpees
15 KB Swings
20 Wall Balls
TOTAL 6 Rounds
*I was able to participate in 2 of the 3 workouts. I actually wrote this wod up a few weeks ago when Lucas and I were scheming the Pumpfest. I tried it at our box and scored 6 rounds 36 reps. I think the lower score today was mostly due to the heat.

5 Minute AMRAP
50 Double Unders
40 OH Lunges
30 Shoulder to Overhead (75)
20 Snatches (75)
10 Pistols
*I scored 145 on this wod. I was able to complete 5 pistols which was a first for me, even though I think my judge was a little lenient on me. I was still happy that I was able to attempt them.

*Great job to everyone involved with this event. The competitors gave it their all and really stepped otuside their comfort zones while training for this event. I am looking forward to October and pushing them even farther.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

D.U.'s/ C+J/ Lateral Burpees/ OHS/ HSPU

5 Minutes Double Unders (305 reps)
4 Minutes Clean and Jerk (95 lbs) (41 Reps)
3 Minutes Lateral Burpees (30 reps)
2 Minutes Overhead Squats (95 lbs) (31 reps)
*This was a tough workout. That's kind of an oxymoron when referring to a CF WOD but still... This one was just plain hard. My body was taxed all over. I am licking my wounds for the next 2 days, stretching, and foam rolling to heal up before the Pumpfest. I have a rejuvenated interest in kicking some butt Saturday! : ) I can't wait!

Wall Balls/ Box Jumps

Wall Balls
Box Jumps (24")
TIME 11:55
*This was a hot one! My body felt like it was at 200 degrees. Working in this heat is definitely a challenge both mentally and physically. I felt good throughout the wod, my shoes made a big difference, they were light and comfortable.

Monday, July 18, 2011


4 Rounds
Row 500 M
Rest :30
*Score is slowest 500 M*
R1 1:39, R2 1:40, R3 1:39, R4 1:40
*I went in with a goal of maintaining a 1:40 or less pace, mision accomplished. Next time I will shoot for less than 1:38 for all 4 rounds. I paced myself from the beginning despite how much I wanted to crush the first 500. It paid off in the end. Legs and butt were on FIRE after this one, I couldn't get out of the foot holds fast enough!

Squat Snatch/ Ring Dip, Double Unders

Squat Snatch (105)
Ring Dips
TIME 9:58
*I think this was my time for this wod, I was using Brandy's cell phone to time myself and I noticed in the last few seconds it jumped :30 for no reason. So I don't know how much I trust this time. Next time I do this workout I will have a better idea. Regardless of the time, the squat snatches kicked my butt bad. I felt like a 4 year old freshmen learning a new movement. I lost my balance and had to bail out on several snatches. Catching the barbell in a full squat is not easy. This is something I need to work on for the future.

For Time
300 Double Unders
TIME: Too embarrassing to post.
*I had a serious breakdown mentally and muscularly during this short met-con. I rested about 5 minutes after completing the above mentioned wod before starting this one. I would say the short rest break was a mistake but it wasn't, it allowed me to fatigue my shoulders in a way I haven't in the past. By that I mean I have never done that EXACT combination of wods and in that amount of time. Always trying to get better!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Overhead Lunges/ SHPU/ Lateral Box Jumps

20 Minute AMRAP
20 Overhead Lunges(45)
15 Show Hand Push Ups
10 Lateral Box Jumps
TOTAL 9 Rounds 10 Reps
*The overhead lunges were by far the worst part. I have a nasty scab on my knee from staining my deck and I was conscience of it the entire time. I don't know if I would have scored higher but it sure would have been nice not to have to concentrate on touching my knee so that only the hair on it hit the ground. Every time the scab hit it shot a pain that was just plain annoying. Oh well, I look forward to beating this score in the future.
P.S. 20 Minute AMRAP's SUCK!

Burpees/ KBS/ Wall Balls, Row/ Box Jumps/ Muscle Ups

15 Minute AMRAP
10 Burpees
15 KBS
20 Wall Balls
TOTAL 6 Rounds 36 Reps
*Great wod this morning, something I was able to keep moving on, which upped the suck factor significantly.

3 Rounds for Time
500 M Row
40 Box Jumps (24)
5 Muscle Ups
TIME 14:44
*Great day of training today. I really feel good after having to take a rest day yesterday to prep the yard and house for the upcoming festivities. It was good to be back. My muscle ups felt better than ever, I keep getting better at this movement and I couldn't be happier about it. Considering there once was a time when I couldn't do 1 or even a half of 1 muscle up I am pretty darn happy with my progression.

Great day of training!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Yoke Carry/ Burpees/ Yoke/ KBS

100 M Yoke Carry (Lucas 180lbs.)
50 Burpees (25 Each)
100 M Yoke Carry (Me 180lbs.)
50 KBS 25 Each 53lbs.)
TIME 16:16
*This wod was a bad idea from the start. My quads hurt so bad I can barely bend my leg to walk. My work load this weekend after taking 2 days off was very high and I am suffering the consequences. Shortly after finishing the workout I heard there was a heat advisory and the news was telling people not to go outside... oops : ) Lucas and I had a lot of fun! Let's just say it is a good thing the Pumpfest is early in the morning! Can't wait!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Hang Sq. Clean/ Wall Ball, Pull Ups/ Double Unders/ SHPU

30 Hang Squat Cleans
30 Wall Balls
TIME 13:23
*I felt great today! After taking a few days off to let my back heal I decided I would do this beast of a workout. Lucas and everyone said it was much harder than it seemed, I would have to agree! Although I had a heads up since they went first. The hang squat cleans did not get to be too bad until the 3rd round. The wall balls sucked as usual, I think they are worse because I always feel like I can push a few more out before having to drop. That is probably why if I ever have a ehart attack it will be during wall balls or burpees or some similar movement that you can always "do one more" of. Can't wait for a great training week ahead!

10 Minute AMRAP
20 Pull Ups
20 Double Unders
20 Show Hand Push Ups
TOTAL 4 Rounds 31 Reps
*This wod was almost humurous to watch. I was so exhausted from doing the first wod 5 minutes earlier that my legs actually buckled and I collapsed during the 2nd round. It felt weird but kind of fun. I love that I can push myself that much and then get back up 10 seconds later! ...ok, maybe this time it was 20 seconds later : )Fresh, I think I would crush this wod and score over 5 rounds.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Wednesday/ Thursday/ Friday

Wednesday Mike and I did a series of back exercises and I think I sprained my lat while in the process. Either that or 87 power clean and jerks at 215 pounds on Monday : ). Either way, Thursday he and I worked on some leg movements, this is when my back got BAD. During a set of stiff leg deadlifts with 90 pound db's I knew it was going to hurt for a while and I wouldn't be doing much for a few days. SO, with that said, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday have been rest days more or less. I am REALLY looking forward to doing as many met-cons as I can fit in tomorrow (Saturday).

Some good news, I finally ordered some fish body oils. Hopefully this will help with the mild knee pain I have been having.

I am VERY excited for the Pumpfest Saturday, July 23rd! The contestants are starting to add up and the competition should be fierce for both men and women!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Run/ Wall Ball Sit Ups/ Burpees

200 M Run
20 Wall Ball Sit Ups
20 Burpees
TIME 17:59
*The first round I substituted wall ball sit ups with a 45 pound plate press at the top of the sit up. A great wod overall. The shoulder burn was amazing and I always look for opportunities to improve my running!

Happy Independence Day!

1 Hour AMRAP
Power Clean and Jerk (Body Weight)
*50 Burpees Every 10 Minutes
TOTAL 87 Power Cleans
*This was by far the worst Holiday wod yet. I haven't done 1,000 burpees yet so this may change. To repeatedly produce maximum power to power clean and then jerk the weight above my head was mentally and physically exhausting. I actually laid on my back for a few seconds during the 3rd round. I am very happy with my score, 1 year ago my 1 Rep Max on CLean and Jerk was 215-220, so to do that weight 87 times in 1 hour while completing 250 burpees was a job well done in my opinion! Everyone who came kicked butt! I was so impressed with the level of athleticism demonstrated today! AMAZING job everyone!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Saturday- TEAM WOD

I had a blast hanging out with our friends today! We had a great workout and an even better feast afterwards! Days like this are why I love CrossFit so much! I can honestly say I have NEVER had friends like these, and I love it! What a great network of people! I'm looking forward to the 4th of July WOD this Monday! Although I wish it would be about 72 degrees and sunny, we will have to make due with 95 and sunny! : )

Friday- Power Cleans/ SHPU

Shoulders with Mike.

10 Minute AMRAP
20 Power Cleans(1/2 BW, 105)
10 Show Hand Push Ups
*I was exhausted and unmotivated going in to this workout. I was glad I did it when I was finished but even through out I was feeling pretty sorry for myself! I am NOT looking forward to doing this one again but when I do I plan on getting a much better score.