Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Power Clean

New PR on Power Clean today.

Tabata Intervals with Push Press and Jumping Lunges
TOTAL Push Press 155 Jumping Lunges 135
*I think this is the total I scored, I can't remember exactly. I do however remember the burning sensation in my legs from the jumping lunges. My glutes, quads, and hamstrings are extremely sore from Front squatting and lunging yesterday so this wod was extra spicy.

Fran PR

Thrusters (95)
Pull Ups
TIME 3:09
*If you would have asked me this morning if I was going to PR on Fran tonight I would have laughed. My energy level has been low lately due to my screwed up sleep pattern so doing Fran was NOT on my to-do list. Once I got to the box plans changed and I knocked out a 3:09 PR! It felt horribly great, I was spitting up for at least 10 minutes. PR'ing on Fran at this point is bitter sweet because I know what it will take to get ANY faster. I love to hate Fran...

Monday, August 29, 2011

Power Clean/ Burpees, Run

5 Rounds for Time
3 Power Cleans (205)
20 burpees
TIME 9:06
*I had no energy this morning. I knew this was going to end badly when I did my warm up set of power cleans at 135. I even missed a rep on PC's during the 2nd round. Needless to say, my head wasn't in this one but neither was my body. I can do this wod in under 8:30 and I will on my next attempt, which will be soon.

Run 4 Miles
*Of course I did time myself on this BUT I was working on a pace for the half marathon coming up. I kept a 9:15 pace, finishing 4 miles in 37:00. I didn't get into a rythm until mile 2. This half marathon is going to suck, I am no where near as motivated to run it this year as I was last.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fight Gone Bad

3 Rounds for points
1 Minute Wall Balls(20)
1 Minute SDHP(75)
1 Minute Box Jumps(20")
1 Minute Push Press(75)
1 Minute Row (Calories)
1 Minute Rest
*The infamous Fight Gone Bad! A new PR on this wod today. I felt so good during the High Pulls that I was actually pushing the weight down at an attempt to move the bar faster and maximize my points, I scored 45 HP's on the first round so mission accomplished. After round 1 I debated my sanity while sitting on the rower for my 1 minute rest. Knowing I had to finish 2 more rounds I sucked it up and took a small drink of water before beginning again. Round 2 and 3 proved to be a significant drop from round 1 but I was still happy with my performance. Here is the break down of the rounds from September 2010: Wall Ball: 35, 33, 30 SDHP: 36, 30, 27 Box Jump: 31, 20, 19 Push Press: 42, 30, 28 Row: 18,18,14
Here is the break down of the rounds from today: Wall Balls: 35, 31, 29 SDHP: 45, 28, 25 Box Jumps: 35, 27, 28 Push Press: 43, 31, 24 Row: 18,16,18

50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders
10 Pull Ups between each round
TIME 4:00
*If you would have asked me after FGB if I would do another wod today I would have told you you were nuts! BUT, after about 2 hours rest I felt GREAT so I HAD to do something : ) My shoe came untied otherwise I would have gone sub 4 minutes. This was just a fun short wod to work on double unders a little bit. Unlike riding a bike, if you don't do DU's you do in fact lose it.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Run/ Row

 WOD 1
Run 1 Mile
Row 2,000 M
Run 1 Mile
TIME 22:59
*I had extra motivation going into this wod. Aaron, a new member of our gym who is an exceptional runner was going to push the pace of the wod so I knew I would have to work hard to keep up and even beat his posted time. He got on the rower before me but by the time my 2,000 M's were up I was about 400 M ahead of him which gave me a nice lead going into mile 2. By the time he got off the rower I had a 400 M run length lead and I wanted to keep it. I had to push because he is a much better runner than I am. I managed to minimize the distance he caught up and beat his time by :40. It was nice competing against a runner that is so strong. Running is one of my many weaknesses and if I can surround myself with people that are better than me than I am sure to improve.

FIGHT GONE BAD tomorrow! When I first did FGB Lucas told me "studs" score above 420, therefore, my goal is 420 or better. Previous PR is 407. We will see...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Run, Row/ Wall Balls

Run 3 Miles
TIME 27:18
*My goal today was to work on my pace. I want to maintain as close to a 9 minute pace as possible for the upcoming half marathon and today was a baby step in that direction. I hate running so today sucked but at least it's done. I'm not looking forward to adding miles between now and the next two weeks but what must be done must be done.

Row 500 M
30 Wall Balls
TIME 9:18
*I felt good throughout this wod. My goal was to go unbroken on all of the wall balls. I sure didn't want to but I managed to get it done. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


WOD 1 (8/23/11)
5 Rounds for Time
40 Double Unders
30 Box Jumps
20 KB Swings (53)
TIME 12:39
*Considering my activity level the past two days I think I did alright today. My energy level is not what is usually is and my training is feeling it. I look forward to getting my appetite back and having energy. 8 pounds lost during these past few days of sickness. Blah!

15 Deadlifts (185)
15 Toe 2 Bars
TIME 7:18
*Feeling much better today. I can feel it coming back slowly, I repeat, SLOWLY. BUT I am greatful for what I have now and I am sure the rest is soon to follow. On the upside, I beat the "Stud" times posted on mainsite today. That makes me very happy. Looking forward to some great days of training.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


I woke up at 2:00am with a bad case of the chills. I woke up again at 3:00am dripping in sweat. I took some Tylenol, sucked it up and went to work. The team wod at CF was a tought one. I underestimated how crappy I felt going in. It was all I could do to finish and I barely did that. If it wasn't for everyone there I would not have finished the workout at all. My body aches and I still feel terrible so I am taking the next two days off, hopefully. Sometimes you have to listen to what your body is trying to tell you... 

Friday, August 19, 2011


20 Minute AMRAP
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats
TOTAL 26 Rounds + 5 Reps
*When I did this wod in November I scored 24 rounds +5 reps, needless to say I am very happy with my performance today. If I remember correctly my chest was the limiting factor last time. I felt little to no fatigue in my chest this time around. My goal is eventually to score 30 rounds, maybe next time!

Snatch Work, Row/ Thruster

I worked on my power snatch today, it is a big part of my new strength training program. The professional O lifters are right on when they say the heavier the weight the lower you need to catch it, I felt like my body was naturally landing where it should. Pr'd by 10 pounds today! 185 new Squat Snatch!

For time
1.5 Mile Run

For time
Row 250 Meters
10 Thrusters (115)
Row 500
10 Thrusters (115)
Row 750
10 Thrusters (115)
TIME 7:43
*Major butt burner today! ROwing is hard enough but you throw thrusters in it and youre in for a treat! I did better on this wod than I thought. I felt like I was rowing slower than ever! Thrusters were completed un broken with little pauses each round.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back Day, Pull Ups/ SDHP, Run/ Burpee Box J/ Up-N-Overs

Back day with Mike. Moved on the a 45lb. plate for pull ups today. I completed sets of 5,4,4,5. Lateral pull downs felt very light after all of the heavy pull ups.

5 Minute AMRAP
5 Pull Ups
5 Sumo-Deadlift High Pulls (105)
9 Rounds + 9 Reps
*My hands are a sign of the high volume Olympic lifting I have been doing lately. They were pretty raw during this wod. As soon as I grabbed the bar for the first pull up I knew I was in for a long 5 minutes. I'm wishing I would have done chest to bar pull ups rather than regular PU's. Next time...

2 Rounds for Time
800 M Run
10 Burpee Box Jumps
10 Up-N-Overs
TIME 11:15
*I have been waiting for my high energy streak to end and it did today around 11:45am. I'm exhausted and my body does nto want to do anymore work today. I was mentally checked out for this wod. The up-n-overs were more difficult than I expected. There is a lot more accuracy needed than anticipated. What I need to do is suck it up and do a 3rd wod tonight... we'll see.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Squat Day/ "Freddy's Revenge"

Heavy strength day. Day 2 of the new strength program and it went great! Excited about my rest day tomorrow, rest from strength training, looking forward to plenty of met-cons!

"Freddy's Revenge"
5 Rounds for Time
5 Push Press (75% of 1 Rep max, 175)
10 Burpees
TIME 6:34
*This wod was pure muscle fatigue by round 3. I was breaking the sets of 5 into 3 and 2. Fun wod and a nice change of pace.

Monday, August 15, 2011

"Grace", Muscle Up/ Wall Ball

30 Ground to Overhead  (135)
TIME 2:29
*When I did this wod in June I finished in 2:57. Beating that by nearly :30 made my morning. I've said it before and I'l say it again, evidence based fitness is the only way to go. I have been feeling very strong lately but to PR by almost :30 on such a short workout is a good sign that my training is working. As for the over training principle I was taught in school... I just don't know.

Chest day with Mike. Heavy Power Clean day as well.

6 Rounds for Time
5 Muscle ups
25 Wall Balls
TIME 19:06
*I was not happy while doing this wod. My muscle ups were especially hard today. I couldn't tie more than 1 together without dropping from the rings. We are also doing muscle ups on a new aparatus which was kindly donated to us. It's great but it makes muscle ups slightly more difficult. The good news is if I ever am in a compeition with muscle ups they will seem easy compared, ideally. The wall balls were easy, I broke on the 5th round only because I was being a wuss. The rest were unbroken.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Friday/ Saturday/ Sunday

A much needed rest day on Friday. Saturday was a fun team wod. There was a nice mixture of movements and we had a great time with friends. Sunday was another rest day. This week will be the start of a new Olympic lifting schedule so this weekend was a rest in preperation of what is to come.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

OHS/ Burpee

Overhead Squats (95)
TIME 4:10
*As I am sitting here writing this I am realizing I haven't had a "rest day" since I got back from Colorado... Blair Morrison would be disappointed, however Rich Froning would be proud : ) Since Rich won the games I will stick with his method of "train as much as possible every chance you get", at least that's what I assume he calls his method. I PR'd this wod by almost a full minute. The last time I did "Jeremy" was in March of 2010, I finished in 4:57. I would say :47 seconds is a success! Evidence based fitness, there is nothing better.

Wall Climbs/ Air Squats/ T2B

5 Rounds for Time
5 Wall Climbs
10 Air Squats
15 Toes 2 Bar's
TIME 10:58
*Its been a while since I opened up a nasty blister on my hand, until today. The toe 2 bars killed me. I was sloppy on the wall climbs, probably because I never practice them, my air squats were fine and my t2bs were as usual, hard. Once my lower abs fatigue I lose all rhythm and I am lucky to tie 3,4, or 5 together.

For Time
Row 2,000 M
Run 800 M
TIME 11:19
*I was done before I even got on the rower for this wod. My legs were sore from the leg strength session yesterday and once I started pulling I felt the soreness everywhere else too. Normally if this happens I can change my strategy on the rower and use more upper body strength to get me through, BUT I had just got done with a back strength session so I was completely fried. I can't even say I felt sorry for myself, I was beyond that, I just chuckled as I rowed. I will go sub 11:00 next attempt.

Desperate need of a rest day...

Tuesday August 9, 2010

3 Rounds for Time
10 Clean and Jerks (135)
20 Show Hand Push Ups
30 Double Unders
TIME 6:41

Monday, August 8, 2011


20 Deadlifts (225)
40 T2B's
60 KB Swings (53)
80 Box Jumps (24")
100 Wall Balls
TIME 15:20
*This wod brought me to my knees. Met-Cons suck but this one was possibly top 10. I was able to keep moving until the box jumps. Those crush me everytime. By the time I got to wall balls I was feeling pretty sorry for myself. I broke more often than I should have, today was not a mentally strong day.

Pull Ups
TIME 3:39
*I visited the CF box for the 6p class, I stayed long enough to decide to do FRAN. Leon got after it then I did. I finished :20 seconds slower than my PR. Considering the circumstances I think that's an "alright" score. I have to admit I dropped on the set of 9 pull ups purely because I knew I wasnt going to get close to my PR anyway... I know I know, I suck. At it again tomorrow. Looking forward to heavy front squats!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Power Cleans (95)
Toes 2 Bar
TIME 5:58
*I got after this wod early Sunday morning. It was nice to wake up with this kind of wod. I say this a lot but I need to work on my T2B's, desperately. They are one of if not my weakest area.

Death by Hand Stand Push Ups
TOTAL 7 Rounds + 2 Reps
*The deep muscle burn was bad during this workout. My body weight got heavy real quick. Just another area I need to work on...

Curls get the Girls!


I had a great arm day with Mike. Yes, I said arm day. Every once in a while I like to throw these days in, well maybe once a year. The thing that shocks me the most is how strong I always feel on "arm day" even when I haven't done a single bicep curl or tricep extension in months. That is one of the greatest side effects of Olympic weight lifting, it increases your strength on all other levels. Back in the day when I did Body Building exercises all of the time there was zero strength increase in o-lifts, I actually became much weaker in the Olympic lifting department. If anyone out there doubts CrossFit programming or Olympic weight lifting it's because they haven't given it a try.

*No Met-Con today, family time and relaxation.

My Girls : )

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Lateral Hops/ Dead Lifts

10 Minute AMRAP
20 Thrusters (45)
20 Double Unders
TOTAL 8 Rounds + 8 Reps
Previous Score 7 Rounds + 33 Reps
*It felt good to PR on this workout today. This is why it is important to write down your scores, it's added motivation. I wasn't ready for this workout when I walked in to the box this morning. I think my eyes were still half shut. The deep shoulder burn woke me up real quick.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Split Jerk,

Split Jerk
*Worked up to a 3 rep max today, 235 is a new PR for 3 reps. I may have been able to do more if my wrist didn't hurt and I had other people there.

10 Minute AMRAP
15 Lateral Bar Hops
15 Deadlifts
TOTAL 13 Rounds + 1 Rep

5 Rounds for Time
5 Squat Cleans (155)
5 Burpees
TIME 5:57
*I have been feeling motivated and energetic at night lately, weird for me. So, late tonight I wrote this short wod up. It originally was intended to be 6 rounds for time but I wanted a 6 minute workout so I put a 6 minute cap on it. Not knowing how difficult the weight would get I only finished 5 rounds in 5:57. My wrist has been bothering me lately and this wod was no exception. Catching the bar on the squat clean aggravated the injury.  I may start wrapping it to prevent any further damage. Looking forward to a good workout tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

8/2/11 "Helen", Squat Snatchs

3 Rounds for Time
Run 400 M
21 KB Swings
12 Pull Ups
TIME 9:38
*The run was horrible today. I felt like I weighed 250 pounds. The heat sucked the life out of me after the first round. Being lighter and working on my running technique and efficiency is the only way I will ever get better at this. Back to work tomorrow!

For Time
30 Squat Snatches (115)
TIME 3:59
*My body was pretty tired going into this one but thsat is no excuse. The fittest man on earth did this wod with 135 lbs. and he finished in 1:36... Yes, I said 1 minute and 36 seconds. Remarkable. Simply remarkable. It is amazing how fit I feel and yet I can not even touch his scores, like I said back to work tomorrow! My plan is to do this wod or a similar wod like this once a week to build up my endurance on O-Lifts.


For Time
Row 1,000 M
50 Wall Balls
50 Toes 2 Bar
TIME 9:45 I think*
*This wod would have gone a lot smoother if I was more efficient at T2B's. I got 15 unbroken then slowed way down. Much work needed in this area.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Colorado Sorings/ NSCA Symposium

Lucas, Craig and I landed in Indianapolis around 130 AM this morning. It was a long day. The trip was a success, we learned some new things, refreshed some old and got in a lot of great wods! The first wod attempted was 150 burpees for time. This was after a day of traveling and only getting 3 hours of sleep the night before BUT no excuses, I finished in 9:45. My goal was sub 10:00 so mission accomplished. The altitude played a huge role in my performance, as well as Lucas and Craig's. 150 burpees at 9,000 feet is not the same as 1,500 or so feet, lesson learned. There was a combination of brutal wods to follow in the next few days, they were fun, creative and really enjoyable!

Being in Colorado made me realize a few things. First, I missed Brandy and Cali very much and I don't like being with them for extended periods of time. Second, I am not built to live on a mountain. While climbing Mt. Evans, at about 12,000 feet I started to feel nauseous and light headed. The elevation was a lot for my body to handle. I can not imagine how people who are not in good health and physically fit can visit those places with out getting sick. On the way back down I heard and saw several people sitting down catching their breath and complaining of similar side effects. I'm glad it wasn't just me.

I am looking forward to getting back in my routine with work, food and training. It was a fun weekend but there is no place like home.